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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. I was reading that in the comic book a few of the main characters are men, but they are women in the movie. So the comic book killed them off and had them reemerge as women to match the movie. Pretty cool
  2. Had anyone watched this movie? I noticed it on Disney + the other day. I thought it was pretty good. It took me a while to remember who was who because they are not well known heros like Captain America and Thor.
  3. Big surprise!! If I found any I guess I would have found it just over the border!
  4. d66f9febcde16e0e3f08e428d9bd83ea.mp4
  5. On TikTok I see videos where travel nurses past offers of 5-7k sometimes more a week. One lady the other day said she made 56k in a 13 week assignment.
  6. All school districts in NY and most across the country are having issues finding subs. It has been an issue for years. Covid has just made it worse.
  7. 100%. If you are south if us, you are downstate
  8. Such a shame! https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-59907931
  9. I think that is pretty generous. Lol
  10. Looks like a lot of people got together for Christmas!
  11. I saw this on LinkedIn in a few minutes ago.
  12. Like Hal I have many hobbies gathering dust, but I always start new one. I have taken to trying to learn the harmonica. Learn to play at least 1 song on an instrument is on my bucket list. I have also started to learn ventriloquism, because why not.
  13. I just got done watching the first episode. Good thing is they didn't take to much time to establish the back story and got right to the action. I can't say much with out giving spoilers. So I will check in later to see what others think.
  14. While I am sure they were all warranted, it sounds more like they were done to gain votes.
  15. Kevin

    First Arena

    That language could also be referring to past Jackals leadership that was questionable at best towards the end. This way they can't hire anyone from the front office or coaches.
  16. I enjoy the store bought fruitcake. I have never had the homemade variety, but it sounds delicious.
  17. I know you can download the app that tracks cases and who has been nearby. My wife has it, I don't like having extra apps on my phone so I do not. And on the rare occasion I go anywhere she is usually with me. As far as I know I am the only person I know that has not even had a Covid test let alone a scare.
  18. I would love to see hemp crops allowed. But narrow minded people that think they know better are in control!
  19. I like Musk he l sorta lives in the real world. I also agree with getting rid of Gov subsidies for anything that would not survive with them. Like the ethanol industry and electric vehicles. Where I disagree with him is I think people should be able to repair their own car.
  20. I find it funny the and sad at the same time the kids small villages and communities that complain they are not getting enough money from county taxes are the first ones to opt out where they would get funds from a dispensary. Also I am not sure if anyone would open a dispensary where your market is 35 people and a bunch of livestock. No hate to the people in those community, but Uncle Ricky probably sells it cheaper than a dispensary will.
  21. I am curious how it will work in stores like the one my wife works at. Corporate says they can't make customer wear a mask or deny service for not wearing one. County says you have wear one or you won't be allowed in to stores.
  22. I knew about the Schmidt nativity, but never realized it was traveling. Arctic League is what I think of when I think of Holidays in this area. I remember watching the telethon on TV when I was younger and I delivered for over 20 years. I have taken most of my kids to deliver and that 1 that didn't deliver has been to the warehouse to help pack.
  23. Kevin

    First Arena

    I will definitely go to that, maybe get another one.
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