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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. With the winter Olympics in full force I would love to see the new owner of the First Arena take advantage of the momentum and offer curling. It would open the arena to people the don't skate but still enjoy ice sports.
  2. Oops, I typed the wrong Ice. Lol at least I didn't call him crushed.
  3. Icecube put a warning out to all the rappers showing up to not be stupid. I guess a couple of them were shot or shot at.
  4. The funniest thing I heard was they has Kendrick Lamar there so the old people could catch their breath. And if you haven't seen the footage of 50 cent getting into position it was sight. All the people saying he looks like $1.50 now forget they don't look the same as they did when he first got popular.
  5. Rumor also says RDJ is returning as Tony Stark.
  6. Dr. Strange was my favorite origin movie of them all in the MCU. The sequel drops on May 6th and it looks insane, I cannot wait. It brings the X Men, Fantastic 4, Superior Iron Man and others officially into the MCU. Rumors are superior Iron man is played by Tom Cruise and Chris Evans is back as Johnny Storm. https://youtu.be/aWzlQ2N6qqg
  7. The halftime show is what I am waiting for and the trailer for the new Dr. Strange movie. Which just dropped. https://youtu.be/JbmTPfGFTHI
  8. Here are the real first images of the space telescope. https://www.space.com/james-webb-space-telescope-first-photos-unveiled
  9. PeeWees Playhouse where Cowboy Curtis was played by Laurence Fishburne.
  10. By far the best episode of the season. Makes up for the slow first couple of episodes.
  11. I am gonna need to see said photo to get an accurate representation. Lol
  12. Great Episode, his coat is getting pretty ratty on the edges. Hopefully they get him a new one soon
  13. It has been such a rough year for celebrities that I saw Dolly Parton and automatically thought the worst.
  14. I can still hook you up with some bulbs that I harvested last summer.
  15. I have 3 different varieties of hardneck I can give you some bulbs for you to plant. Isn't garlic started in the fall? I know mine was planted in Oct.
  16. I forget the Star Gazette is still a thing until someone posts something about it.
  17. Looks like Foo Fighters are following suit. While I am Spotify will lose no sleep over Neil Young, the Foo Fighters are a big loss. https://americansongwriter.com/spotify-stock-down-25-as-artists-leave-platform-rumors-of-foo-fighters-departing-swirl/
  18. Looks like he got his wish. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/spotify-remove-neil-young-music-songs-threaten-joe-rogan-covid-vaccine.amp
  19. I meant as far as consumption onsite. The getting high part obviously is different.
  20. Be no different than a cigar store where they have a smoking lounge or a hookah store.
  21. I just finished the 3rd season. Will be watching the 4th soon. I have read spoilers about what to expect for the 5th and it doesn't seem to bad.
  22. That is what I used it for. I see potential for a sequel or 2.
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