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Posts posted by Hal

  1. 45 minutes ago, MsKreed said:

    And yet again CCIDA is beating those two dead horses at the bottom of the chart , with the Arena being the main money suck ! But they just can’t stand to see all those funds going to those other uses … or somewhere else ?! 






  2. My lessons for next year ;

    Plant less potatoes ! 
    Put cabbages and Brussel sprouts in a separate patch and fenced in . 
    No rutabaga , delicious but not every damn day . 
    Buy two more cedar raised beds … worth every penny !! 


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  3. 1 hour ago, Elmira Telegram said:

    NBC news is reporting that “thousands” of Palestinian civilians broke into a UN warehouse in Gaza searching for food or anything else they could find. 

    I am of two thoughts on this .

    #1 and most important is those people were doing just any of us would do in an effort to feed or care for our families especially children … the real victims of any war ! I mean , what the hell was the UN waiting for … photo ops for some old bastards handing out crumbs ? 
    #2 then again the Hamas cowards are known , and have proven , they will take anything from their own people to keep themselves fed and provisioned ! 
    But at least its not sitting in a building going to waste or being blasted all to hell . YMMV. 

  4. From what i have seen , on both sides of the hill before the junction there are those slower traffic lanes that merge back to two lanes at the top ( please correct if wrong ) . So when the trucks move over into those lanes its a race by regular vehicles to get by them ( trucks ) before they have to merge back into regular lanes at the top . It can be a CharlieFoxtrot as sometimes there are those that pass the vehicles in the regular lane . In other words everyone is in a hurry to get past the trucks before they have to merge back into the regular lane and some that just have a need to be ahead of everybody else . 
    This just from what I have observed and I don’t travel it as often as most of you all . 

  5. It’s called playing “ Whack-a-Mole  “ ! This , as I said before is making me rethink my political ideology enough to switch to another ( not Democratic either ) party . I could very easily join the Apathetic Party I suppose , but then of course you can’t bitch or complain if you don’t vote ! 

  6. Great points all . Especially the bartender being culpable in the event of an accident by a patron . Carried a step further by the sale of ammunition by a shop owner to  a possible mental case . The barkeeper having , of course at least some indication of impairment. 
    I guess a question I would ask is , aren’t these professionals so called Mandated Reporters ? Not that that means much these days .  

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  7. 51 minutes ago, Elizabeth Whitehouse said:

    Being in the military is nothing to be proud of. Worse if you can't read. I have said that I am not an anti-Semite (because Palestinians are as Semitic as Jews); I am anti-Israeli.

    Well , Thank you so much ! I’m still proud , you aren’t going to change that . No that has been tried before by those not much smarter than yourself … or were they 🤔? Meh , no matter ! 
    Your words ring very Un American now . I can only imagine every Soldier, Sailor , Airman and Marine lying in Arlington and other Military Cemeteries around the World that Fought , but not like your Hamas friends, and Died , without human shields, if they could but see that their Sacrifice to Preserve  Your Right to your Very Low Opinion of them I can only imagine they would ask “ What the Frig was it All for ? “ . Now if you want to knock me for for being in the Military then insult my intelligence by intimating I cannot read thats fine with me . Go ahead with your silly game , I can take it I have dealt with your ilk for longer than most on this site have been alive quite possibly including yourself . So lets dance eh ?! 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Elizabeth Whitehouse said:

    Have you been to Israel?  I have, and it is the one country out of 90 I have been to that I will not go back to. I am not an anti-Semite; I am anti-Israeli. Remember that Arabs are also Semites. The Jews who settled in land stolen from Palestine are quite  likely not even Semites.  They tend to be eastern Europeans with absolutely no claim to the so-called Holy Land.

    Thank you for the History lesson as much as it isn’t needed , but needs to be remembered so as not to be repeated. And I believe that your Worldly travels were of a much different nature than mine . So , you are Anti Israeli which makes you Anti Jew ? No I suppose …

  9. 3 hours ago, Elizabeth Whitehouse said:

    I do not see Hamas as terrorists. I see them as freedom fighters. Israel is nasty.

    So , now I see that your are in support of terrorists And an anti Semite …. Wow , how lucky you are to have the right to your opinion eh ?!  
    And I would beg to differ on Hamas being freedom fighters as that would be a misnomer . Freedom fighters don’t use women and children as human shields that makes them nothing but Cowards ( bullies if you will … but you won’t) in addition these human shields are the very people they say they trying to gain Freedom for . 
    In closing I would opine that I could find a better descriptor than you for Israel but if “ nasty “ is your choice then yes … and  so is a nest of hornets when you kill their Young . 

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  10. 3 hours ago, Elizabeth Whitehouse said:

    Maybe. Maybe not. Is it alright for Israel to commit atrocities on innocent Palestinians? Does one stand up to a bully or just quietly submit?

    Thanks , but I have the answer I expected. And yes , if the bully is the instigator ( Hamas ) then one stands up for themselves ( Israel )   and retaliates in kind . And sometimes as my father taught me , you have to go “ bat shit crazy “ on the bully so he won’t be as willing to bother you again ! And that advice has saved my ass in many regions and Countries on my travels . 

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