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Posts posted by Hal

  1. 9 hours ago, TTL News said:

    These auto sear switches often turn up at homicide crime scenes across the country and have become a rapidly growing problem for law enforcement in recent years.

    And again more Laws to keep us safer ! How about just enforcing the existing Laws on those possessing illegal weapons . If one is found in possession of a switched Glock , raise the charges against that person to reflect that and throw their ass in prison … oh wait , forgot this is New York where only innocents get to go to jail , think Daniel Penny ! Now I can guarandamntee ( no not a real word i know , but i like it ) that this will not end with Glock as the article states “ any striker fired “ handgun . 
    The ONLY Law that will make us Safer is the Law that is Enforced, oh crap … still talking about New York 🤦‍♂️

  2. 3 hours ago, Chris said:

    She said “ the downtown area” which you could r take as the entire area or she’s referring to the area they cleaned. Either way, I have no problem believing it.

    I have no problem believing this either . Look at our roads here the day after a good amount of folks did a roadside cleanup. But what is one to expect when Laws such as littering are passe’ and a good deal of other long standing  Laws as well . 
    A small amount of the local swinery are more than proud to spread and share their lifestyle with the rest of us it seems . 

  3. 🤔… we will be starting over on the herb garden ! 
    As for potatoes, yeah , it will be one row this year . I have a root cellar full of them sprouting to the point of my fear that if I stay down there too long they may get violent and drag me in … 

  4. 25 minutes ago, Chris said:

    There should be consequences for that, because it's irresponsible. 

    One such occurrence did end with consequences that I was privy to . The person was used to having his firearm on the seat next to him and just forgot it was there , parked in a patrolled lot it was turned in by security . Lost his gun and permit . Now , jumping in the “ Way Back Machine  “ , as with today Concealed is concealed  , but in the late 70s there was an uproar about the whole concealed thing something like (paraphrasing here ) Concealed means , locked in the trunk , glove compartment and not visible to others . 
    Pure and simple it IS just irresponsible as you say , even more so since stolen guns used in committing a crime are most times traceable back to the original owner even with defaced serial numbers. 

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  5. I have been around all kinds of livestock in my 70 years around the Sun and I don’t t know what the hell planet the people spewing this BS are from !! Emerging from Winter means emaciated and probably infested with lice … really ?! 
    But this is the prevailing mentality or lack thereof in this area … it’s the country and i can live , or more like , exist any damn way I please . Fine , live or exist in any manner you choose but Do Not force your lifestyle on innocent animals ! And STOP with the BS that you’re a farmer , as with a few others on this hill YOU ARE NOT FARMERS , OR CHURCHES…YOU ARE JUNKYARDS inflicting this Cruelty on animals you obviously could and do not Not give a damn about ! 

    • Like 1

  6. 3 hours ago, KarenK said:

    It's USA Junior Hockey.  I think the kids pay to play.

    Thanks Karen . They are making it sound like a part of NAHL though . According to the info from NAHL , players do not pay to play . But on further reading , yes they are basically kids 16 up to 20 sometihing trying to work their way up through the Conferences . 

    Screen Shot 2024-05-02 at 9.21.38 AM.png

  7. Basically from what I glean from the local News media the CCIDA dropped down to a lower level in the Hockey Conference, with that comes a lower price tag to try making the First Boondoggle self sustaining. Margeson offered that the “New team “ would not draw salaries would be a boon to the community in the form of helping with give backs … so , they are playing for free ? Just how does that work , someone please explain to this old farm boy just how this form of BS works , i mean other than what i’m smelling with this fresh batch . 

  8. 1 hour ago, Chris said:

    There’s no debate, he’s just wrong. Fruit, particularly apples and berries, combined with a good vinegar based dressing, works well in a salad.

    LOL , like raisins in oatmeal right ? 

  9. A decade , no with the divisiveness we are experiencing right now I see something happening sooner ! One has only to look outside of their own space to see  whats being allowed to happen all over this Country . Rampant crime and corruption which is only getting worse , illegal immigration , has anyone else seen the number of young men coming across the border ? And this Damn Election is driving a wedge between most of us ! Let’s just get it over with FFS I am so damn over it !! 
    If it comes down to a civil war it won’t be you and myself to blame , in the final analysis it will have been the Government that brought us to it ! 

  10. I stayed as positive as possible No chicken sacrifice either . Did however, on going out just for giggles , I was treated to all the birds making pre evening song four to five hours earlier than usual … oh yeah and a white headed Robin ( no joke ) and a group of five geese that missed their usual route to the pond on top of the hill and did an abrupt 45 degree , so that was all the weird … I mean other thant the usual weird here in Baldwin ! 

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  11. Ummm , so not arguing your point at all . And certainly not part of the pervasive ignorance , just my own personal opinion. 
    Those that can’t because of work , etc . thats not on me ( and i don’t believe it was meant towards me ) . 
    And I have had  enough “ once in a lifetime “ events to last me a … lifetime . 
    Shoot , i saw the Lunar Landing and have been waiting a lifetime to see us go back ! Thats the one I’m looking forward to lol .

  12. 12 hours ago, Chris said:

    I simply don’t understand the people who say, “Oh who cares” or proudly proclaim they won’t be watching it tomorrow.

    How can anyone not be at least a little interested in such a rare event?

    I get what you’re saying , I really do . Although I find it interesting and will watch ( thanks for the glasses Abbey) just to say yes I saw it . But I have seen so , so many Interesting and wonderful things in my short 70 trips around the Sun … too many to list lol , that if per chance I miss it I won’t be all that broken up , disappointed, yes but … 

  13. # 1 the hell with that ! I mean it’s bad enough to get calls from Mumbai Walter about Windows or Medicare but to have someone in India watching my every move while shopping and what what I’m scratching… 

    # 2 Shame on Amazon for outsourcing! I know that other companies do this . In fact a local fire hydrant mfg where i was employed moved a portion of business to China back in the 80s to save money , guess how that turned out . 
    I wonder where Amazon has its largest share of sales , hmmm .

  14. 10 hours ago, Chris said:

    I think what makes this special is the songs would likely have been lost forever if not for that one woman. Including never showing up in those sites you follow.

    Just an amazing story.

    I may have gone off context there , apologies. You’re right of course . The fact this Woman collected the old songs so they would not be lost to time is an amazing accomplishment . I probably should have stuck to that fact instead of talking about the music itself . 
    Maybe sometime in the future a CD may show up , something like the one from the Smithsonian that you gifted me some time ago .  

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