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Everything posted by Andy

  1. I appreciate that insight MsKreed. That helps see how one can have criticisms of DEI efforts from a logistical perspective. I can understand those reasons, versus reasons I’ve seen very often devolving into “black/female/gay” people simply being in the picture with no further nuance, or referring to someone as a “DEI baby” and stuff like that. I’d like to imagine it would still be possible to develop these efforts while drawing back on costs and all that, instead of axing them entirely, but if there’s anything I know about how everything works is that it’s easier said than done!
  2. Yep - I’m sure between a module educating about active shootings and how to use the register! And although I’d wanna say I don’t need those modules, I still know I gotta do them every so often, but it’s no biggie to me!
  3. I genuinely don’t care if a business wants to include DEI efforts in running their establishment. I just looked at my workplace’s DEI portal and it’s the typical message of being inclusive to all, regardless of race, gender, orientation, and the like. Perfectly fine with me, glad to see it. How has it affected my employment? Are white candidates for employment being skipped in favor of minorities? Are men being skipped over for women? Not at all! How has it affected my job, am I being brainwashed to be inclusive like some people think it must be? Nope! I watch an extra training video every 6 months on top of the countless others I do about how not to discriminate, display unconscious bias, etc. I really don’t understand what gets people all up in arms over this kind of thing. I guess TS and JD can back down from the outrage, that’s their call, I think it’s kinda dumb but whatever I don’t shop there anyway. From what I see, “DEI” is just the new “CRT” or “BLM” or “Woke”, words that a TON of people use as some boogeyman scapegoat and don’t actually understand it beyond whatever they’ve seen it called on/offline, and I think it’s a bit of a leap to assume it’s because people must be suffering from a mental disorder (obviously I know some genuinely do, I’m a psych major lol)
  4. And that's why software updates should be pushed out in waves, not all at once
  5. Okay I will concede that section is bad - I had checked a couple of them before posting it but clearly didn't look enough. However, I am still very against this "plan" and have been for a long time, before it was even whispered in the MSM. I'm wondering if this is related to statements made by Russell Vought, Trump's former director of the Office of Management and Budget and Project 2025 contributor, who has stated "My own definition of "Christian nationalism" would be this: An orientation for engaging in the public square that recognizes America as a Christian nation, where our rights and duties are understood to come from God and where our primary responsibilities as citizens are for building and preserving the strength, prosperity and health of our own country. It is a commitment to an institutional separation between church and state, but not the separation of Christianity from its influence on government and society. It is a belief that our participation in the political system can lead to beneficial outcomes for our own communities, as well as individuals of all faiths." Not directly stating they'll have Christian teachings in public schools, but something that I am not for in any manner. Here's a few things I am against, straight from the document: Like MsKreed said, it's fairly interpretation at this point. But the way I see things in this document? I don't want anything to do with it. If this stuff passes and it truly doesn't change anything, fine, everyone told me so! But from all the recent stuff with the "Supreme" Court, this whole election cycle, and extremism, it just feels so wrong to me, and doesn't seem like true improvements to government that they're trying to make it out to be, this "second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" (and now I step off the soapbox slightly cross-eyed}
  6. I’m so thrilled that I have an entire lifetime ahead of me with this absolute garbage
  7. No, Sam hasn’t taken any serum. He just has Steve Roger’s trust and blessing. If I remember correctly Falcon and Winter Soldier was about Sam struggling to accept this but ultimately embracing his new role
  8. ‘Rust’ Case Against Alec Baldwin Is Dismissed Over Withheld Evidence (Quoted Ann because I couldn’t find the quote option on mobile)
  9. I’ll have to look into that when I go back to Walmart, I could’ve done their college degree program but they don’t have a massive selection
  10. I've been keeping an eye on this for a couple months, and it's absolute insanity.
  11. Yeah I dunno about this one, going off this (admittedly grainy) video taken by someone who was right there when the shooting happen, I don't see how guns were needed. One cop grabs the kid, swings him to the ground and tackles him, with his body holding him down. A second one comes up and bends down, seemingly to help hold him down, and the third comes up while the other two cops hold him and is standing overhead when the shot is fired. Can't tell if the third is holding a gun or not, or if one of the first two are. The kid was subdued and pinned down, maybe bodycam will show something else but I think it could've been wrapped up once the two cops had him.
  12. Rockwell Extra Bold
  13. Don’t feel bad, it’s been 5 years since my high school graphic design classes lol. The kerning is absolutely wonky
  14. I’ve had my cards stored in my phone for 4 years now with no trouble, and Apple certainly takes user security more serious than some other companies, not even they can access your stuff due to encryption. Add onto that a bunch of security improvements they’ve made like Advanced Data Protection and Lockdown Mode. If I were to lose or have my phone stolen it would be as easy as remotely locking and marking it as lost, which disables saved mobile cards, among others. I’ve seen countless cases where someone loses their phone, it shows up in factories in China or somewhere like that, and the owner will eventually receive a threatening text telling them to remove the protections on the phone, usually under threat of having their data stolen. All a bluff, because when the phone is marked as lost it’s nothing more than a paperweight!
  15. Come on…I was excited for this because I’ve been wanting to do this since other states started allowing it. Only to find out they don’t actually add your ID to Apple Wallet like most states allow - you use the app instead of just quickly pulling up the saved cards. Guess I’ll wait to see if they’ll allow that in the future
  16. Yeah, I’ve used 11 briefly, and it wasn’t terrible. I’m just really tired of ads being shoved in the OS (anyone who knows me knows how much I HATE ads lol), and even after various tinkering with 10, methods to suppress tracking and general bloat have started to become more cumbersome or not work entirely - like internet search results when I’m trying to search local files on the computer; I found a fantastic third party app for that, but I shouldn’t have to in the first place! After hearing about this Windows 11 Recall feature, I’m going to try to transition to Linux again when 10 loses support, partially for curiosity and interest, and partially because I’m just tired of Microsoft. Not that I would be affected by Recall and all that junk, it’s just another example of the direction Microsoft is going. I’d go with MacOS if it wasn’t really expensive to get a Mac and useless for playing games. I have a spare laptop I can use for Linux practice if I want!
  17. I like using Macs, but I’ve been Windows for my main things, both my laptop and my own Plex server. Dabbled in Linux but not for long. Really don’t want to upgrade to Windows 11 when 10 is EOL, so I’ll probably take a look at Linux again, since it’s more gaming-friendly now
  18. Guilty on all 34 charges
  19. That website was used in my research methods class to hammer in the fact that correlation ≠ causation, funny stuff in there!
  20. Sounds like they’re backtracking on no season 2
  21. That’s a great trailer. Can’t wait for this to come out
  22. Well if it wasn’t for a paywall it’d be easier to tell maybe but they’re gonna be able to see it
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