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Heroes of Yesterday

Heroes of Yesterday

I’ve read books or stories from virtually every war in which men and women of our nation, including my immediate family, relatives and ancestors, have been involved.  Their sacrifices have deeply touched my heart as I live a life of freedom, a blessing either limited or unknown to so many elsewhere in this world.  Yet, both of our families have not known a loss of life in war during this past century. A few years ago, friends of ours shared some treasured family papers with me before the re

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

From Rags to Glory

From Rags to Glory

Idols - we all have them... we just may not realize it.  Idols are anything or anyone which takes precedence over our relationship with God.  And yes, I have them, too.  We tend to see the obvious idols in the "things" we clutch closely... especially that which we enjoy doing or collecting - like our hobbies, collectable antiques, our "toys,” and even people.  They fill a void within us and give us an emotional high… for a while.  None of these are evil in and of themselves, but it’s where and h

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

The Blessing of Children

The Blessing of Children

June is a month to celebrate not only Father’s Day, but National Children’s Day on the second Sunday.  Children are such a rich blessing … a gift from God, a miracle of life!  Each one is uniquely endowed with a personality and set of talents established by their Creator.  What parent doesn’t perceive soon after each child is born how different he or she is from a sibling?  Their unique and individual beauty shines through as we lovingly help guide them in following the path of their God-given g

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Each Morning New

Each Morning New

The dawning of each new day brings another opportunity… to make things right… to help someone in need… to express love for your dear ones and all those you meet.  Each morning is a new beginning! Each morning brings a blank slate for the new day ahead.  It’s up to you to decide how you’ll respect it.  What will your attitude be?  Will you bring a thankful heart, a joyful heart, a bright and cheerful attitude to all those around you?  Or, will you grumble and complain, and find fault with ev

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Celebrating Independence Day!

Celebrating Independence Day!

Today, I’m posting something a little different on Poetic Devotions. So many of us are thankful for the blessings we, as a nation and as a people, have received since our nation was founded. And today, I’d like to celebrate those who gave their support to the founding of our great nation. In knowing a little about some of my maternal family’s ancestors who took part in the American Revolution, it helps put a personal perspective to the many individuals who gave of themselves that we and so many

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Behind the Door

Behind the Door

I have to admit… it sure would be nice to win the big lottery!  Life would be so much easier with all that money, wouldn’t it? ‘Course, ya gotta play to win!  And since I don’t play, there’s no chance I’ll ever go home a millionaire… ah well, it was a fun thought while it lasted! But watching the newly “rich and famous” with their instant money, I also wonder how happy many of them really are.  They seem to have it all… from gorgeous clothes to the most beautiful mansions. But, on the flip

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda



It seems we often want our way regardless of how anyone else feels.  That old “give-and-take” attitude I remember growing up with seems to be lacking... all too evident among those who mock and bully others, even within today’s world of politics… where a war of words continues to erupt, and others are canceled.  It seems like absolute truth and moral or ethical standards have become a negative, a cause for ridicule… while relativism, or determining our own truth as we want it to be, is more ofte

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Thoughts That Wrestle

Thoughts That Wrestle

It’s been a rough month for both of us with my husband's ongoing health issues that never completely go away, extraneous related issues, so many medical appointments, house electrical and car problems, leaving us both feeling like we want to just run away… escaping it all to the proverbial vacation in the hills. I know you’ve been there, too.  But God… answered our needs with good friends who were glad to help, and a new medical internist team who really care.  And I found this poem and blog wri

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Out of the Ashes

Out of the Ashes

As many know, my husband was readmitted to the hospital Thursday.  Overlapping congestive heart failure, diabetes, and kidney failure walk a fine line together. Not sure of the immediate future, as none of us do, we watch the world go merrily on its way as we grapple with life’s unknowns, frustrations and limitations, all the while knowing God is here with us and has a plan. His will may not be the plan we want, but as we go to Him, He gently wraps his arms around us, holding us up, giving us st

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Listen To Me

Listen To Me

I thought you might enjoy this look back in time to lessons learned while raising animals on our backyard farm.  Can you hear wisdom’s call in the depth of your soul?  It’s that still small voice that we often hear, but don’t always heed.  And I’m guilty, too.  I so want to do things my way… but need to heed the reminder that my way is not always the best option. I’ve shared before about the animals under my care as I grew up.  After moving to Lounsberry, NY in my mid-teens, we acquire

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

I'm Only One

I'm Only One

There are so many people, past and present, who have made a difference for others by simply being who they were intended to be… each an individual who stands out in the crowd in their own way… and who have made a difference in my life and your life.  I once took a photo of a single stalk of corn growing in a field of soybeans across the road from us and posted it to Facebook.  It spoke silent volumes of being the one alone, not afraid to stand out and be different. (Since I can't find it, I shar

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Eden's Couple

Eden's Couple

Isn’t it so like us… we have it all and yet we want more.  I know I’ve been guilty of that at times.  The eyes of green, the envy of more...  Even Adam and Eve fell victim to this desire with the temptation of luscious forbidden fruit.  Sometimes we’re just not satisfied with what we already have… because we need just a little more to feel complete.  Even the “rich and famous” will tell you that, if they’re honest. We want it all, and we want it now!  The longing to have that little bit extra ca

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Meditations of My Heart

Meditations of My Heart

With another school year beginning, I was reminded of my own school days a few many years ago.   Thinking back to the start of the school season when my kids were young, brings me back to my own childhood.  I attended Public School #15 for kindergarten in Clifton, NJ, and  two small Christian schools for elementary - East Palmyra Christian School for 1st through half of 4th, and then Passaic Christian School for the second half of 4th through 6th grade. After my family moved back to C

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Lord, Take My Hand

Lord, Take My Hand

The words of this poem flew quickly from thoughts to paper several years ago, essentially as a prayer, asking the Lord to take me and use me… to guide me on the right path that I may bless others and not ignore a need… asking that He help me to remain faithful, to rely on His word to guide my life… With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II of England this past Thursday (September 8, 2022) at age 96, I was surprised and pleased to hear how much she treasured her relationship with Jesus, her Lo

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Once Upon A Day

Once Upon A Day

Sitting in my East Garden yesterday, I absorbed the warm sunny rays while viewing the garden’s fading beauty, enjoying the colorful zinnias now more beautiful with recent cooler days and refreshing rain, gazing out beyond the garden proper to encompass the yard, our house, and the road beyond… listening to the golfers’ chatter and excited shouts of joy... spying birds flutter among the hidden branches above, hearing their gentle twitters – tuhweet, tuhweet… watching a gentle breeze stir the bran

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

The Good Ol' Days!

The Good Ol' Days!

Today, I’m celebrating the gift of my mother.  Growing up, we heard very little about my Mom’s childhood years, though I loved visiting my relatives on The Farm, sleeping in the big feather bed with feather blankets and pillows, admiring all the antiques, waking up to the clinking milk cans being put on the truck to go to the creamery, walking through the barn and fields with cousins Sandy and Gary, eating my first bowl of Life cereal at their huge table, the kitchen with floor to ceiling cabine

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda



“You have cancer.”  Among the scariest words we can hear.  I was in shock.  My mind was racing.  Tears began to trickle down my cheeks.  I was both numb and yet devastated emotionally.  It caught me totally off guard.  Me?  Cancer?  I could not think clearly.  My heart was pounding.  I was in panic mode.  This cannot be happening!  I have so much to do to take care of my husband.  I don’t have time for this interruption in my life! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Diagnosed in 201

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Seasons of Change

Seasons of Change

I love the change of seasons.  But it almost seems to happen while our backs are turned and we’re not quite paying attention.  Like this fall.  Suddenly, we realize the leaves are turning colors, the weather is cooling down, winds are getting brisker, and fall is here for sure.  Many birds who had been singing all summer while they cared for their nestlings have hushed their songs and, a month or more ago, prepared to take off on their migratory routes for warmer climates.  Some friends ha

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Much More Than Dreams

Much More Than Dreams

It feels so good to feel good again!  As some of my friends know, my blog absence last weekend was due to being bedridden with covid, despite vaccines.  And I’m very thankful to say that tho he continues to deal with daily CHF/congestion/edema struggles, Ed did not get covid… at least not yet.  In fact, we celebrated our anniversary with Sayre/Athens, PA’s Greater Valley EMS giving Ed an IV to help relieve fluid retention. It’s a service thru a government grant to help keep patients from going t

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

A Faithful God...

A Faithful God...

I don’t pretend to have all the answers.  I know how prone I am to fret and worry.  I often don’t take my concerns to the Lord in prayer right away, but tend to stew on them and think I have to fix the problems myself.  On the flip side, there are times I wait longer than I should to implement what God wants me to do.  Yet, time and time again, our gracious God has been faithful to see me and my husband through difficult situations and painful losses, showering us with blessings throughout those

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

The Eyes of A Child

The Eyes of A Child

Do we remember what it was like to view the world through the eyes of a child? Sometimes yes, but a lot of times no … too often, I see the world through the lens of adulthood, from the various angles of life that have come my way.  We all have much to learn in being a living example of Christ’s love for us… for He who came to this earth as a newborn babe, to experience life through the eyes of humanity while being fully God, came with a purpose… to redeem us from our sinful selves. And every onc

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

A Woman Unsurpassed...

A Woman Unsurpassed...

Before I retired, I looked forward to the weekend.  But often found that once I got there, the chores on my list seemed to never end.  There was no escape!  They needed to be taken care of… though I’d much rather enjoy a respite with my hobbies – sewing, gardening, taking a walk, reading an in-depth well-researched historical book, or just relaxing on a bench in my gardens enjoying nature's beauty and listening to the birds.  But the demands of responsibilities in every-day life like paying bill

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda



If you know me well, you know that fall is not my favorite season.  Oh, don’t get me wrong - I enjoy the brightly colored leaves, sunshine in a beautiful crisp blue sky, the cooler temps, the lack of stifling humidity, and the pungent odor of smoke from a well-run woodstove.  But, the darker, dreary, and shorter days with leaves fluttering down to mulch the earth as they leave behind the stark contrast of bare tree limbs against a gray sky tend to bring a sadness for me.  I much prefer spring an

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Seeking You

Seeking You

Yesterday, my husband was in the E.R. yet again, with difficulty breathing and clearing his lungs from fluid buildup in a long-term battle with congestive heart failure. Every day is a struggle for him, just as it is for so many others around us.  A year ago, I shared this blog from my longer speech at a Women's Faith Retreat in 2014.  I need to be reminded of my own words, and of God's faithfulness in so many ways. Thinking others might need the comfort in knowing God truly is there at our side

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

The Makings of Christmas...

The Makings of Christmas...

December 5th is a day my/our Dutch ancestors celebrated Saint Nicholas Day or Eve, part of traditional European Christmas celebrations for centuries.  My cousin Sytske Visscher in the Netherlands shared that “St. Nicolas Day/Sinterklaas Day is celebrated on December 5, or the weekend before or after. According to the myth, the Bishop of Myra in Turkey (St. Nicolas) was born on December 6 and started to give presents to the poor members of his congregation on the evening before, December 5.  Fami

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

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