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Lord, Take My Hand

Linda Roorda


The words of this poem flew quickly from thoughts to paper several years ago, essentially as a prayer, asking the Lord to take me and use me… to guide me on the right path that I may bless others and not ignore a need… asking that He help me to remain faithful, to rely on His word to guide my life…

With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II of England this past Thursday (September 8, 2022) at age 96, I was surprised and pleased to hear how much she treasured her relationship with Jesus, her Lord… and how much she relied on Him and His wisdom to guide her during her reign of 70 years... an amazing monarch, beloved by so many, including us Americans across the Pond. 

I cannot imagine the strain she must have felt at a young age when her father became king following the abdication of his brother. She knew she would someday become queen. Yet, as she faced life during and after WWII, with its difficulties then and beyond, Elizabeth was not crushed in spirit.  She had an inner strength, a sense of duty with old fashioned values of grace, elegance, and respect… a beloved “Grannie” to not only her family but others.

Putting her faith and trust in God to lead her through the many storms of life, as queen she prayed that “God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve Him and you, all the days of my life.” (Christmas 1952 address) … “For me, the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life,” she said in 2000. “I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from Christ’s words and example.”

In a similar vein, after writing my poem below, it reminded me of the old hymn, “Take My Life and Let It Be,” another favorite from childhood.  “Take my life and let it be, consecrated, Lord, to thee; take my hands and let them move at the impulse of Thy love, at the impulse of Thy love.”  Written in 1874 by Frances R. Havergal, this hymn began as her own prayer to the Lord that He would use her to reach others.

Born in 1836 in England, Frances was a gifted child.  She had learned to read before the age of 3, and was writing poetry by age 7.  She was capable of memorizing lengthy sections of Scripture, knew several languages, and was a gifted pianist and singer.  Unfortunately, her mother died when Frances was 11, leaving her with these parting words, “Fanny dear, pray God prepare you for all He is preparing for you.”  And, with those words, her life-long prayer was to reach others with the love of God.

We are pulled in so many directions every day. There is so much going on around us in life, while we keep all too busy in our own little world.  Preoccupied with our own situations and needs, we often forget the needs of others… I know I do.  As these words came to me, I realized that I need to ask the Lord to take charge of my life... to take my hand, my voice, my eyes, my ears, my feet… essentially all of me, that I would be open to seeing and meeting the needs of others while walking in His will, sharing His love.

Take my hand, Lord… walk with me, and lead me on… 

Lord, Take My Hand

Linda A. Roorda

Lord, take my hand and walk with me

Lead me on and show me the way

And let me know You’re my companion

You’ll never leave, You’ll always protect.


Lord, take my voice that I may yet speak

Treasures of grace in praise of mercy,

As I delight in Your wisdom’s depths

May all my words reflect back to You.


Lord, take my eyes and bless my vision

As I encounter those different from me

May I now see the world through Your eyes

That I may seek to reach out in love.


Lord, take my ears and grant I may hear

The pleas for help, the cries from the heart

May Your tender voice guide all my actions

That with compassion others I may bless.


Lord, take my feet and guide all my steps

Grant me wisdom on this path of life

Keep my feet from straying aside

Hold accountable the way that I take.


Lord, take my soul and cover with grace

That I may rejoice in Your salvation,

For the cleansing flood that washed over me

Has created faith that trusts in You.


Lord, take my heart and fill me with joy

Share with me Your endless love

That I may then to others extend

Your precious peace with bountiful praise.



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