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Local Writers

What is Beauty?

What is Beauty?

Beauty – we all admire the aesthetic and beautiful in both people and nature, though beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say.  Often, as our young girls strive to look beautiful, they imitate the actresses and models they admire on the “silver screen” or magazine covers.  But youthfulness fails to realize the images are a façade, made more beautiful and glamorous by makeup and the air brush.  It’s not a true beauty.  And a pretty face may not always have a heart of love.  For “…man looks a

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

A Fear That Comedy Will Turn Slapstick

A Fear That Comedy Will Turn Slapstick

It’s the slap felt ‘round the world and discussed ‘round the clock. Will Smith’s roundhouse smack of Chris Rock during the Oscars reveals one of the hazards of being a humorist. What Will did was wrong and inexcusable. Yes, Chris cracked a bad joke, but it didn’t deserve him being sucker smacked on live TV. I worry that this incident will encourage others to go slap-happy on comedians and humorists if they don’t like the words they say or write. I don’t want to have to wear a mouthguar

JIm Pfiffer

JIm Pfiffer

The Ten Best Things About "Peaky Blinders"

The Ten Best Things About "Peaky Blinders"

Peaky Blinders is not a great show. On average, I’d say it’s a good show. It has its moments where it flirts with maybe not greatness, but being very good, but there are also some not-so-good parts of the show. So I think that when all is said and done and the dust settles, declaring Peaky Blinders a good show feels right. As the show heads into its final season, it’s become somewhat predictable, but no less entertaining. Each season follows something of a similar cycle, complete with the i

Ryan O'Connell

Ryan O'Connell

Revolving Beds And Lemonade Punch

Revolving Beds And Lemonade Punch

Our recent spring-like weather has most of us who garden looking through our seeds and perusing the plant catalogs once again ---- just to make sure we have all that we need.  Last week, the turkeys stopped coming down so often and I think the deer didn’t come at all.  Of course, another snow-fall, and they will all be back.  We probably are not quite done with wintry weather, but soon, soon!  Someone (not sure who) said, “The first day of spring and the first spring day are quite different even

Carol Bossard

Carol Bossard

“What Are You Kids Doing In There?”

“What Are You Kids Doing In There?”

Raising kids is difficult for parents. Raising eight Pfiffer kids is hell for parents. That’s why Mom and Dad have free-first-class-no-questions-asked-front-of-the-line-all-expenses-paid passes to heaven. Nothing, not even a housefly, can keep their eyes on that many kids at once. Hell, it’s hard to just keep track of all of our names. That’s why Mom relied on all her natural senses as well as ESP and eyes in the back of her head to keep tabs on us. I was most impressed with her l

JIm Pfiffer

JIm Pfiffer

I Am Not Alone

I Am Not Alone

We awoke to a beautiful layer of pure white snow covering everything this morning!  It looks so peaceful outside, and I love the imagery a fresh snow evokes – especially knowing it won’t last long as spring’s warming temps will soon take over. It’s been a busy week here again, as well as by you I’m sure, so that scene outside evokes a welcome and calming respite from the hustle and bustle of life and all its stressors. And I simply wish each of you a fresh new start to another busy new week with

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

From Betrayal to Beacon

From Betrayal to Beacon

During the season of Lent, we tend to reflect a little more intently on Christ's mission and sacrifice for us.  Since He gave so much in giving His life to redeem us, it seems we could easily give up even a little for Him. Though the traditional idea of giving up something for Lent has not been something I have done, my friend and distant cousin, Carolyn, got me thinking more deeply about the season of Lent. A few years ago, as Carolyn read her “Catholic Weekly” magazine with its daily devo

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

A Remote Battle Of The Sexes

A Remote Battle Of The Sexes

TV remotes are supposed to make life easier. Not mine. The remote in our home causes frustration, stress, marital strife and the throwing of things. The problems begin when we can’t find the remote. My wife, Shelley, and I  frantically search for it beneath cushions, furniture, piles of magazines and newspapers on the coffee table and under the dog if she is in the room. You never know. (For the record: Shelley doesn’t actually “help” look for the remote. Instead, she offers

JIm Pfiffer

JIm Pfiffer

Layers And Levels Of Thought

Layers And Levels Of Thought

Ahhhh….. It’s March!  Daylight savings time (this coming Sunday) and the Vernal Equinox (March 20) all in the same month.  And yes, we will lose an hour, but it will be delightfully light longer in the day.  We can feel the new life of Easter approaching, for the season of Lent began last Wednesday with a community service and luncheon.   It is a time of introspection as well as awakening activity. My process of cleaning out is continuing; it might continue on into infinity!  “Yet occasiona

Carol Bossard

Carol Bossard

Lady Wisdom

Lady Wisdom

I’ll admit to enjoying the beauty of yesterday’s snowstorm, and our wind-driven “iced grass” and drift ridges over the deeper snow, while feeling sorry for a bluebird hunkered down with his feathers pluffed out as he braved the buffeting bitter-cold winds on the telephone wire… as it made travel for many difficult on the roads with many accidents.  Yet knowing that this snow won’t last long with the warming temps coming this week helps me deal with winter’s “last gasp” as the robins and blackbir

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Things I Don’t Understand

Things I Don’t Understand

I’ve always been curious. That’s why I became a newspaper reporter, chasing after the five W questions of life. It’s also why I’ve been punched a lot. I have some feline curiosity in me. I also have a lot of stupidity in me. That’s why I’ve burned eight of my nine lives. I’m trying to temper that ignorance by learning and asking “how” and “why” about things that we don’t think twice (or even once). Here are my top ten. 1.   Telling someone to “Bite me.” If you are angry at someone, wh

JIm Pfiffer

JIm Pfiffer


The Luck of The Irish

by Susan Zehnder Currently events around the world are being reevaluated as preventative measures against spreading this year's coronavirus. Cities like Boston and Chicago have canceled popular St. Patrick's Day activities to avoid drawing crowds. Locally officials have canceled the thirteenth annual Horseheads St. Patrick's Day parade, and postponed the gathering attempt to break last year's record for the largest human shamrock.  Horseheads parade from the past St. Patrick



Open Sesame? Not With Today's Containers

Open Sesame? Not With Today's Containers

My kitchen throw-rug stinks of pickle juice and “squishes” when I walk on it. Got that way because I tried to do one of the most difficult tasks of modern life: open a jar with my bare hands. I tried both hands. No luck. Got miffed. Ran it under hot water. Nada. Got pissed. Pried it with a spoon handle. Still stuck. Got furious. Got my pliers, clamped them around the lid, clasped the far ends of the handles for max leverage, took a sturdy feet-apart stance and twisted with

JIm Pfiffer

JIm Pfiffer

The Mentor

The Mentor

Today, my thoughts turn back to thank God for the mentors in my life… and I’m sure you can think of those who’ve blessed your life with encouragements along your journey.  I’d love to hear your stories of how others gave encouraging words as you grew up, or even those who came alongside you as an adult with a helpful perspective.  As you remember those who cheered you on, become a mentor to someone who could use your encouraging words.  (I’ve included the URL below my poem for the podcast, "Balm

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Taking Back New York To Get More Urgent

Taking Back New York To Get More Urgent

The month of March could end up marking a critical turning point in the future direction of New YorkState.  The Senate and Assembly Democrat supermajorities controlling the state Legislature will soon unveil “one-house budget bills” likely seeking to expand the already $216-billion Executive Budget proposal put forth by Governor Kathy Hochul in January.  I’ve previously noted in this column that, if enacted, the governor’s proposal by itself -- already nearly $5 billion higher than the

Senator Tom O'Mara

Senator Tom O'Mara

Late Winter Musing

Late Winter Musing

“I stood beside a hill, smooth with new-laid snow, A single star looked out from the cold evening glow.  There was no other creature that saw what I could see --- I stood and watched the evening star as long as it watched me.”* Stars somehow look larger and clearer against a black sky, when the night is cold and still.  This week’s melt has left us with much less snow though tomorrow will likely remedy that ---- but the stars are still shining, waiting for us to connect whenever we gaze up.

Carol Bossard

Carol Bossard

On The Record: My Fave Album Covers

On The Record: My Fave Album Covers

I’m glad that vinyl record albums are regaining popularity. I grew up listening to music on records. They were an essential a part of my life, like family, education, sports and reform school.  Records are simple to operate. No moving parts. No rewinding. No batteries. No apps or subscriptions. You set the needle in the groove and soon you’re groovin’ between 33 1/3 and 45 rpms.  Unfortunately, vinyl records are fragile and easily damaged. You can ruin the acoustics with fingerprints,

JIm Pfiffer

JIm Pfiffer

Oh, That I Would See...

Oh, That I Would See...

Though my poem and blog below were written over a year ago, it seems fitting for what we are all facing today in the war that Russia has brought to Ukraine, threatening to bring to other nations. Knowing that Ed’s and my niece, Rebecca and family, had been missionaries to Kyiv for several years in the past, with their dear friends among the entire nation now in harm’s way, we are, like everyone else, brought closer to the dire situation as we watch and hear the news updates… continuing our praye

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

Should Phish Be In The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame?

Should Phish Be In The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame?

On Tuesday, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced nominees for the class of 2022, a list of acts highlighted by Rage Against the Machine, Beck, Eminem, A Tribe Called Quest, and Dolly Parton. Yes, Dolly Parton is not in the Hall of Fame. Neither is Lionel Richie (as a solo artist) nor Pat Benatar. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, like most Hall of Fames (and awards in general) doesn’t really make a lot of sense. Now, for the most part, the general consensus is that this crew of nominees i

Ryan O'Connell

Ryan O'Connell

Let's Stop Blaming Agnes - Instead, Restore Effective Local Government

Let's Stop Blaming Agnes - Instead, Restore Effective Local Government

The Implications of Declining Population In the State of New York (and particularly upstate), over a million and a half residents migrated to other states in the last decade (8% of the state’s population – barely offset by birth and foreign immigration rates). In 2018, as NYS led the nation in this “population outflow”, Governor Andrew Cuomo denied claims that a failing economy due to poor government leadership could be responsible for the decline. Instead, he blamed the weather. “Som

Guest Writers

Guest Writers

Ode To A Wayward Son

Ode To A Wayward Son

This morning, we’re thankful to say that for “right now”, Ed is feeling “maybe a little better” as he put it after we increased his night-time oxygen from 2L to 2-1/2 and then to 3L last night and he slept fitfully until his usual 2 am awakening from his usual intense pain.  He was in the ER again this week with multiple arrhythmias causing havoc with his heart, ultimately causing more fluid retention and congestion, worsening CHF symptoms, with virtually no further medication options.  Tomorrow

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

I Started Writing This A Year Ago

I Started Writing This A Year Ago

A year ago, this weekend, I began posting this weekly humor column. It’s been a fun ride, after retiring from writing a twice-weekly humor column for the Elmira Star-Gazette (Motto: “Yes, our news is two days old, but it doesn’t matter, because it’s wrong.”) I hope you have enjoyed my musings. If not, that’s cool. Not everyone shares my disturbed sense of laughter. I hold no ill regard for people who think that my writing “bites the big one.” But, if I run into you in public, I’m going

JIm Pfiffer

JIm Pfiffer

Your Love...

Your Love...

On the day before Valentine’s Day, our thoughts are turning to special ways we can express love to our treasured family and friends.  This year, wanting to express that love in a unique way, Valentine’s cards that I’d made of red and white construction paper hearts were sent off to our five Grands, wondering why I’ve never thought to make cards for them before…  In saying “I love you” to those dear to us, we share our heart with them. And that reminds me of how much our God loves each and every

Linda Roorda

Linda Roorda

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