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Javier Milei Loves Being the Skunk at the Garden Party

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At the start of the twentieth century, Argentina was one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The capital, Buenos Aires, was known as “the Paris of South America.”

A lot can happen in a hundred years. Argentina today is in grave crisis. It has defaulted on its sovereign debt three times since 2001, and a few months ago it faced an annualized inflation rate of over 200 percent—one of the highest in the world. What happened?

Today's guest, Argentina’s new president, says it’s pretty simple: socialism.


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...and yet, many people think that socialism is THE remedy for all the socioeconomic ills that we deal with in the US, and we have politicians who, proudly and steadily, push us toward it.  


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People don't realize how good they have it until they no longer have it. 

Nowhere is this more evident than here in the U.S.

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Sometimes I ask students, "Do you want an ethically-sourced latte with 2% non-GMO cashew milk with four packets of Stevia, or do you want socialism? Because you cannot have both."

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