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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Thanks for posting. I'll be giving this a try. I wasn't impressed with the recipe I tried last year.
  2. The Church, Adam and whomever the poet is knew of Scotts past. Many witnessed it first hand. And they still went along with it. Terrible actors.
  3. We do gardening as an activity for the patients and what we produced this year was disappointing. Will leaves suffice in adding nutrients to our soil? I am trying to get a compost bin, but admin keeps pushing back on the idea. Is there a recommended product I can mix in with the soil? Should we change the soil out? I'll take any tips or advice. I should have paid better attention to when my father gardened. We have a raised garden bed. We usually grow peas, peppers, cukes, and tomatoes.
  4. You're not telling me something I don't already know, pal. I don't have a problem with the song or the video other than its Jason Aldean. I was only stating what I've been told on facebook by some of the locals living in a fantasy world. I wish they'd keep George out of their songs.
  5. I've been told there is never any crime or violence in small town America. And I'm the brainwashed one. 🙄
  6. jalapeno and cheddar sausage. I yearn for thee.
  7. I remember paying much more than that when I got my DWAI.
  8. https://www.mytwintiers.com/news-cat/local-news/former-elmira-city-councilman-mark-hitchcock-arraigned-on-dwi-charge/amp/
  9. The last coucilman this occured with resigned less than a week after.
  10. Whats the go-to to keeping the critters out? I’ve wanted to put a few raised beds in myself.
  11. No need to apologize. Understandable with our previous exchange. All in the past, brother. I have the best job in the world. Its like watching the greatest movie in the world. So many personalities crammed into concrete corridors.
  12. Article 28 facility is any accredited inpatient facility that follows the regulations set by Article 28 of the public health law. Hospitals, nursing homes, etc. Medicare/Medicaid funded treatment. etc etc etc. Sure would be nice if they backed off the vaccine mandate for health care workers. Might have a fighting chance then.
  13. Jesus is back in the US of A!
  14. Morse the only Brennan backed candidate to win a seat?
  15. Full house at the Horseheads Town Hall. I got in and out no issue. Wife had some difficulty. They had her registered under her maiden name. She claims she changed it over after we got married. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Elderly man was told he had an absentee ballot mailed to him. He was required to fill an affidavit ballot. Those who only watch the big three on tv are going to be left in the dark when it comes to local races that they’ll vote party line and as for the back of the ballot - “I didn’t know what that shit was for so I voted ‘no’.” Love it. Awareness should be a requirement.
  16. She made her bed with the health care worker vaccine mandate. Burn it.
  17. Staffing? People already don’t want to work in these facilities. It doesn’t get talked about in the papers or on social media, but staff in these facilities are assaulted as much as those who work corrections. Piss, shit, spit, violent attacks. Until my promotion, I didn’t have a week where I worked less than 60 hours due to inadequate staffing. Why would any one subject themselves to that abuse for a pay check? Family time? It was a dream until my promotion. But boy, those paychecks were nice. 🙄 And trust me, the horrors this population faced in the before Willowbrook aired are not what they are facing now. There is always room for improvement and it continues to improve. There is strict oversight. The mental health facilities can only do so much. At what point does it come to the responsibility of the patient to participate in their recovery? To stay away from the drugs? To stay on the medication they are prescribed? To keep appointments? They aren’t dropped off a cliff at discharge. A stay in a rehab facility isn’t the cure. Open more long term facilities. Fine. Spread staffing and the funding even thinner There is only so much a doctor, a SW, a psychiatrist can do. At some point it falls on the patient to hold up their end of the bargain. If everyone that screamed mental health applied to work, we could have all the facilities in the world. And for those that can’t hold up that end of the bargain? We have patients currently here with stays longer than years I’ve lived. There are no short term facilities. I love my job. My fellow staff love their jobs. But we are tired. We are burned out. We are doing our best. We are doing our best with no support from those we should have support from. Every one has solutions but never wants to be part of the solution. We know where the blame ultimately falls. Thats all I’ve got for this conversation. I took this a little more personal than I should have. Thats my fault. I’ll work on that. But I will not sit idly by while those who continue to show up daily and do the work are slandered. We are the facilities
  18. I’ve lived it personally and professionally. Not telling me anything I don’t know.
  19. I swiped my badge to get into the facility this morning. I see aides and doctors. I just finished working with patients. I see services being provided. Is my life a mirage. Am I dreaming?
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