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Rod last won the day on August 29 2023

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23 Excellent

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  1. looks like brinn got knocked down a peg or two or dont like people commenting on his face book page anymore https://therevjgarybrinn.substack.com/p/how-do-you-solve-a-problem-like-the
  2. i seen they had kids lined up at the doors at the high school this morning for a metal detector maybe
  3. first off, no one's rounding up pedos because they're seemingly everywhere in this damned county but you know what yeah sure round them up and put them on a oneway bus trip to somewhere else . . start by passing a law that says no camp oh wait, they tabled that
  4. should probably hit more people like this it might do them som good . people have no respect any more
  5. so youu moved here just to run for an open office and then left when you didnt win ? did you actually ever live here or just have a mailing address ?
  6. seems to me its more about lack of effort than skin color
  7. does any on know where this was ?
  8. Rod

    Unfair School Taxes

    so give us some examples it can’t be that hard to check the tax roles
  9. wish it was his brother and his girlfreind
  10. which one of Mikes buddys are working for the camera company ?
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