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Zapp Brannigan

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Posts posted by Zapp Brannigan

  1. 23 hours ago, Chris said:

    I’d kinda like to see Sam get home though, even if it’s decades later. So a movie would be cool, kinda like they did with Deadwood.

    But a reboot to start all over again? Nah.


    17 hours ago, Kevin said:

    I agree the series finale did Sam dirty. I would love to see him leap home at about the same time he left.


    I disagree I think it would cheapen Sam's sacrifice. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Chris said:

    I'd have to check, but I think when it comes to some things like Xanax and Ambien, if I have them in my system and test positive but have a script, it's okay. Of course if I don't have a script, see ya.

    I think if I'm on an opioid for pain, I have to be off work for a specific amount of time. 

    When it comes to pain control, I'd much rather get a script for cannabis, but then you're right back in that quandary of when you're okay and when you're not. 


    I believe it was Kevin on here who said in one of the other conversations about the subject that when he is tested they omit the drugs he has a rx for so the same you would think would go for weed. I have not been in a situation to test the theory myself.

  3. I would like to think if someone is drinking a beer or smoking weed in the car and a cop rolls up they are both getting stopped.

    As far as testing to determine if someone is under the influence would normal field sobriety tests cover that?  Then if they fail those no matter when they smoked they are still under the influence.

    Work place situation is a different scenario. If your company has an anti drug policy and you fail a drug test thats on you. Generally most places frown on you showing up drunk or even drinking at work. So the same rules would apply to weed. You show up under the influence of either you face consequences.

    As far as smoking it where other smoking is allowed. Whats the big deal cigars and cigarettes reak to high heaven. Also it's ok to walk around with a beer or wine. Who have you generally seen can cause more trouble the guy/gal whose been drinking or the guy/gal that smoked some doobies? Also i bet the food vendors were not complaining.

    Yes it needed to be legalized and no it wasnt very hasty they have been trying for a few years now but Cuomo finally had to cave to try and save himself. 

    My question is once the committee is put in place and  allow stores to open and sell it and charge all the extra taxes what are the gonna do about the stores that gift it with a purchase of an item from the store. You are still paying sales tax on the item but they are losing the extra tax. Or then you have the guy i heard about it today who for a donation will give you a gift of weed. So no taxes being collected. As far as i can tell from the address its a house and thats just sketchy.

    I would also like to add that while smoking weed is on the rise in colleges drinking is down. So not as many kids drinking themselves to death just smoking themselves stupid.





    • Like 1

  4. On 9/2/2021 at 12:00 PM, Andy said:

    Doesn’t look too demanding 


    Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

    OS: Windows 10 64bit

    Processor: Intel Core i5-6300U

    Memory: 8 GB RAM

    Graphics: Intel HD 520

    DirectX: Version 12

    Storage: 50 GB available space


    Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

    OS: Windows 10 64bit

    Processor: 3.6 GHz 6-core (Intel i5)

    Memory: 16 GB RAM

    Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 970 GPU with 4 GB of VRAM

    DirectX: Version 12

    Storage: 50 GB available space

    Additional Notes: 4 GB of video RAM and 16 GB of system RAM


    Yeah that's not very demanding at all

  5. 19 hours ago, Chris said:

    Ok, this is better than the first trailer I saw. 

    I love these kind of games but haven't played them in a long time. And now we have the internet capability to play them online. Still, I wish they'd release something for Mac. 

    Looks so much better than AOE3 quit being a snob with your Mac you are missing out on a lot of great RTS games. I'm hoping my laptop will run this game decently.

    • Haha 1

  6. read an interesting article about how the new run of Spiderman movies usually throw stuff into the previews that's not in the movie. One of the previous movie previews had him swing around the city with Iron man and it was not part of the movie.  Also they are questioning if this is our Universes Dr. Strange because he has the Eye of Agamotto which was previously destroyed by Thanos. Also it appears it still has the Time stone.

  7. 4 hours ago, Chris said:

    I think that there is a lot of what makes up the "disappointment" so many are feeling. Like, we were expecting "epic" and got tepid at best. Still, I'm curious to see what they do in the next season just enough to watch it. 

    Yeah I will watch season 2. I do like how they introduced all the previous incarnations of He-man

  8. On 4/28/2021 at 10:41 AM, Chris said:

    Meanwhile, it's been 10 years since "A Dance With Dragons", the 5th of seven books in the "Ice and Fire" series, was released. In that time we've seen seven seasons of the show come and go. George Martin has also written at least one other book. To hell with him, all seven of them. 

    Yeah at this point I would probably have to re read the whole series and I don't know if I can do that.

  9. 6 hours ago, MsKreed said:

    It seems like there is precedent that medicinal use of legally prescribed medication can still be prohibited while on the job (or behind the wheel).  

    Just because your doctor prescribed codeine, benadryl or Xanax (or any number of legal drugs) doesn't meant it's OK to drive a school bus (or any vehicle), operate a jack hammer or run a cash register with your brain in a fuddle from it.

    Being on the job under the influence is one thing.  

    Should I be turned down for a job because I have a medical marijuana rx? 

    5 hours ago, Chris said:

    This isn’t going to suddenly affect anyone because let’s be honest, it’s not like people are going to suddenly start smoking weed because NY says they can. And chances are, the people smoking it aren’t likely in a job requiring them to pass a drug screen.

    And if someone does suddenly decide to chance it, they know full well what they’re doing and the consequences when they light up.

    And if they don’t like the terms of their employment, they can always find a job that enables them to smoke pot in their off time I suppose.

    Actually I think you are gonna see more people trying it because it may be legal. You may also see more job openings. 

    5 hours ago, Hal said:

    Absolutely but ... always a but right ? I am looking at the ramifications of legalizing marijuana for recreational use and how that spills over onto the job sector . As I explained in my post there will definitely be those that will party on Friday and pay for it on Monday and will use the argument that the Company cannot dictate how they spend their off hours . And I see this as a “ battle cry “ of defense against company policy. 
    I will come out not wanting marijuana legalized as there are too many cons here but the flip side of this is , the Employer can control what the Employee does on their own time . Theres the rub ! 
    I cannot remember the labor book but I distinctly remember this statement... “ There exist a Master and Slave relationship between the Employer and the Employee “ , I will try to find it . I guess my point being there will be more , much more , to this than just a bunch of people happy as hell to be getting stoned legally . But others will pay as  is always the case ! 

     I agree with you especially the last part.

  10. 2 hours ago, Hal said:

    Buts thats the very point i am making , legalizing will make a difference . Hypothetically a person does some partying on Friday night and uses some marijuana , gets popped for a  “ random “ drug test , fails and gets terminated . Now with legalization that employee has more of a leg to stand on .... I’ll explain . Union shop has to try arguing for this employee . Employee admits that on Friday night he had indulged a bit ( on his own time ) gets popped Monday for a testing . Now the union has to have a meeting with the person and the Company to try defending what an employee does on their own time , believe me these meetings can get nasty . Meanwhile the Company is paying the Stewards and other Union officials their respective wages during this meeting . Then we go to arbitration, Lawyers will be brought in and we sit and argue a case all day long , which is fine but Company has to pay four union people to be there as well . They key to the case is the person doing what they want on their own time but marijuana is still in the system on Monday . It’s more of a process than most people think . I have done quite a few of these , one in particular was a 23 year employee, spotless work record , a model employee if you will ! I wrote the grievance, had the meeting , Plant manager included , argued to save his 23 years and the company was getting ready to drop the whole matter with just  a week non paid time off ! This guy stands up and tells me not to waste anymore time or breath and proceeds to tell the company that he quits !! 
    So yeah , you are absolutely correct that the onus is on the employee. But as you can see its not just a matter of “ your fired get the hell out “ as i’m sure the case is with some employers . But this was all when marijuana was illegal and now with it being legal for recreational use there will be yet another layer added to an already extensive process beyond the Arbitration which would be binding on both party’s by the employee bringing in his own Attorney ,as he will surely do , to argue whether he is or is not permitted to use his own time as he see’s fit . 


    The way I see it is the company has a policy against drug use and testing positive for THC as I am sure they have a policy against alcohol and being drunk or under the influence while at work. Legal or not they have broken the company policy and open themselves up for termination or treatment programs whichever the company chooses.  As far as recreational goes in my opinion with employers its cut and dry.  Now medical use is questionable

    • Like 1

  11. Well if your workplace requires drug tests and you fail then that's on you that's the chance you take. Legalizing recreational should have no effect on employers drug testing (i think there may be something in the bill about this, but I have not read the complete bill).  The prices at the dispensary are crazy 100.00 there gets you what 40-50 gets you on the street and they do sell the flower but its ground up already to meet NYS standards and who knows what's ground up with it and the street quality is better. That and one of the big corporations that supply our "local" dispensary was caught shipping out moldy product.  

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