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Buddy14904 last won the day on August 3

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  1. If the City locks people up, isn't the jail paid for by the County? So that city ordinance would have been shared burden with the County. People who complained that the proposed ordinance wasn't the answer have a point. They have no money for fines and jailing them is an expense for the County. Why doesn't the city council change it to have community service like cleaning poop and picking up needles and trash?
  2. Maybe the liberal suburbanites liked him enough to elect him, but Walz wasn't respected by a lot the Minnesota National Guard members. https://www.wctrib.com/community/letters/the-truth-about-tim-walz
  3. Punishment is supposed to fit the crime. Vandalism and trashing property ought to be sentenced to clean up and community service. Jail time should only be if they refuse. As for shelters and dormitories. Those are TEMPORARY solutions, not meant to be perpetual housing. While staying there short term everyone ought to be required to apply for longer term state programs and enroll in substance abuse and job search help.
  4. When you moved out did you leave your empty house unlocked so the homeless have a place to stay.
  5. Did you leave your empty house unlocked so the homeless have a place to stay.
  6. Proof that they are VOLUNTARILY homeless like Brinn said. How do people still deny its a CHOICE? They endanger each other and the people helping them and are supposed to just be given someplace where they're allowed to do all that in public places.
  7. Bridge and tent people in Elmira chase citizens away. Like everyone else is trespassing on THEIR property. What property should be designated for bridge and tent people to have free rein to control like they own it? Vacant property that someone else owns or public property where EVERYONE should be allowed to take a walk in peace and not step on turds or needles?
  8. He usually says some dumb stuff. But I agree with him that banning the encampments of voluntarily homeless is the safest and most helpful idea. Unless someone can show another town doing something else that works and keeps them and the rest of the citizens safe.
  9. Elmira has everything that every place in new york does. Shelters and section 8, welfare, medical, food stamps and addiction services for everyone that wants the help. Even help finding jobs if your willing to work and pass a pee test. Where else is a place you think isn't a heartless response? What city and what are they supposedly doing better than Elmira? Letting homeless do drugs in public and steal and damage property? I donn't know if there's a place allowing that, but you can't do that stuff if you have a home so why should homeless be allowed?
  10. Data literally means facts. So when he says its incorrect then its not really data. It was ASS-UMPTIONS. The stuff he says are assumptions on city and town sales tax is probably DATA. Like the fact it doesn’t take an einstein to know car sales are the biggest sales tax and there’s only elm chevy and a couple of used car dealers in the city and dozens in other towns in the county. Same with other big ticket stuff like tractors furniture and appliances. Not to mention all the restaurants or retail that people outside the county or from pa shop for.
  11. don’t think rodney has a say on town rules or laws being county. but hes been good making donations and promoting local things and always at public events to answer questions. he pushed hard for veterans to get property tax breaks and let us know how to get it. which nobody from town bothered to do.
  12. county or school district need to have someone on pay role investigating fraud if people are claiming residence falsely.
  13. proud that rodney cares about us. but town of southport needs the diaper changed cause there full of you know what.
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