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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. On top of the fact they named their kids after themselves Will and Jada, Willow and Jaden. Their whole marriage has been crazy. Jada admitted to sleeping with her son's friend and then it came out that Will knew about it and approved of it. They admitted to having an open marriage because Jada "Never Believed In A Conventional Marriage".
  2. Hey, be nice. The front walk of my house is horrible. The first warm day and it will be cleaned up. Having a double lot means twice the garbage that gets thrown out car windows or dropped by people walking by.
  3. They released the preliminary toxicology reports. Really no surprise for a rockstar that died in Columbia. "The report said a urine toxicology test was carried out on Hawkins and 10 substances were found, including THC, tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines and opioids." https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/03/26/entertainment/taylor-hawkins-preliminary-toxicology-screening/index.html
  4. Plus the anniversary of Kurt's "suicide" is next week. Can't help but feel for Dave.
  5. I had the ACS last year and while I said I wasn't doing it, my wife is the type of person (God, love her) that worries about it because Google said it has to be done or you could be fined or sent to jail. So I made up answers and didn't. Told them my monthly income was something like $150 a month but my house payment was $2000 just ridiculous information, but she was content that it was done. She doesn't know the info I entered, just that I told her it was done.
  6. It looks like finally have it dialed in. I am expecting awesome images from this thing. https://futurism.com/nasa-image-james-webb/amp
  7. I saw today that if you join Ukrainians foreign legion that they offer you will be granted Ukrainian citizenship. But also feel this is going to get much before it gets better.
  8. I have 3 huge maples in my yard and every summer and fall I say I will tap them in the spring and then have no motivation come spring.
  9. The longer it goes the worse it is for the Ukraine. They may be doing great now, but how long before the civilians tire of being soldiers and even more start fleeing?
  10. Plus it would be another team Ithaca could compete against. You wanna team up and help start it?
  11. Then you have the video of the farmers hooking their tractors up to Russian equipment (radar station and SAM setup) and towing them down the road with the Russian troops running behind.
  12. Not throwing shade (well maybe a little) sounds like another example of HHSD doing what they want.
  13. It now looks like Belarus is also getting ready to attach Ukraine. This is really no surprise since the government of Belarus has been questionable at best and everything is pretty sure it is a shadow gift of Russia anyway.
  14. I would prefer to not drive to Ithaca for well anything. But it is nice to know it is there. https://fingerlakescurling.org
  15. NATO countries cannot put boots into Ukraine or it would be an act of war against Russia. But they are all prepared for when Putin tries to expand beyond Ukraine. For years Putin has said he wants to build Russia back to the size it once was. He thinks ending the cold war was a mistake.
  16. The ghost of Kiev is making headlines everywhere. If reports are true he or she (heard reports of both) shot down 6 Russian planes in 1 day.
  17. Ukrainian lady asks a Russian soldier to put seeds in his pocket so flowers will grow after he is killed. That is gangsta. 70c72dbb67175f30ab9ace3475d658e3.mp4
  18. I saw a video earlier that was saying while most countries have been helping Ukraine stockpile weapons and medical supplies, they are on their own. The problem is when not if Putin takes back Ukraine most experts believe we won't stop there because he has said publicly the wants to built Russia into the powerhouse it was before. The moment he steps into one of NATO countries that surround Ukraine then it becomes WW3. Which is kinda ironic because for years we heard Trump was gonna start WW3 with they way he handled foreign affairs.
  19. They are almost done with the first half of alignment. https://www.space.com/jwst-nearly-halfway-through-mirror-alignment
  20. The Kevin Smith one, I am assuming that is Revelations.
  21. Evil Lynn getting busy with Skeletor is what did it for me.
  22. Season 2 has been announced. https://www.cbr.com/he-man-and-the-masters-of-the-universe-season-2-trailer-release-date/amp/
  23. With the winter Olympics in full force I would love to see the new owner of the First Arena take advantage of the momentum and offer curling. It would open the arena to people the don't skate but still enjoy ice sports.
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