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Everything posted by MsKreed

  1. I saw some mention of the Chairman's "intention" or some such wording, but did not see what that was.....can someone share a link to that part please No. Anything that amends the Charter requires a referendum - even just drawing new district lines. That was one of my objections to not including public input AND the expenditure for consultants. It's a huge waste to put forth proposals that could very well fail to pass and go back and try again the following year. And they do fail to pass regularly. I'd already researched and knew the original charter took three public votes before it passed, and a quick search found the same when the Legislature presented two unacceptable redistrict plans after the 1990 census before finding one we would agree to in November 1994.
  2. As a life-long Peanuts fan, I loved THIS TRIBUTE that Minneapolis/St Paul made to their native son... Building on the same concept for downtown revitalization, I've seen a few other communities introduce (some temporary and some permanent) local art projects themed to their own communities. Dolan Alabama has its own Peanuts-on-Parade and several Florida cities featured Gators around town. I've often wondered if something similar could work here, but not sure if we'd have a character, image or 'brand' that could translate as clearly into artwork. Maybe Carousel horses? All of Twain's work is public domain, but I don't know if his characters are (which are mostly various portrayals typical 19th century children) are distinctive enough to today's average passerby. Perhaps with plaques identifying them as Tom, Huck or Becky?
  3. Neat idea! This also looks interesting (and a free way to reduce waste):
  4. I thought it was 3 before Sonsire became unaffilliated....so just Briggs and McCarthy now? Regardless of the make-up of the committee, my understanding is they all have to be roughly equal in population to adhere to a SCOTUS ruling back in the 1960s of "one man one vote" representation (the decade of squabbling over that ruing is what eventually caused the dissolution of the Board of Supervisors). Redistricting also requires a Charter Amendment that would be up for public vote. In the 1990's, I believe they had to re-format the redistricting plan at least twice before one finally passed the public vote in the 1990's. I sure hope they don't expect to keep hiring consultants if initial proposals fail to pass the vote. I can’t find any historical maps of legislative districts. I would love to see how the districts were originally, and what changes have been made after the 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010 census results. In 1970 (the census upon which the first Chemung County Charter based its legislative districts), this is what we had: County population: 101,537 Legislature: 15 members Population per district: 6,769 average Elmira population: 39,945 or 40%, 2/5 (6 districts was proportional) Outside city: 61,592 or 3/5 (9 districts) Our current numbers using 2019 Census Bureau estimates: County population: 83,456 Legislature: 15 members Population per district: 5,564 average Elmira population: 27,054 32.5 or 1/3 Outside city: 56,402 , 67.5% or 2/3 If we use these 2019 projections as a rough guide for 2020, and the district population size (6,769 average per district) that the Charter established it would look like this: County population: 83,456 Legislature: 12 members Population per district: 6,769 average Elmira population: 27,054 32.5%, 1/3 (would be 4 districts) Outside city: 56,402 , 67.5% or 2/3 (8 districts) If I have access to historical data, I could maybe break that down better to show comparisons..... It seems like maybe 10th grade math and geometry that they are spending $48k to have done.
  5. Not knowing who she is or following her or her social media commentary, I'll have to take your word that her general tone, etc has been "bad" or controversial, as a pattern or whatever. But honestly, as far as that particular quote......facing "consequences" for relaying historically accurate facts that others don't like is kind of the definition of "cancel culture".
  6. That's exactly what I was thinking. Unless the admission fees were multiplied by 10, this doesn't seem worth it.
  7. Which is one reason why I won't be subscribing to their streaming service no matter how good some of their new programs look. This isn't a single instance of them canning this woman (who I've never heard of). Disney has a growing policy of censoring ideas they don't like. Even to the point of removing their own past content. I know "my" decision won't have much effect on what is possibly the most influential brands on the planet, but it really disturbs me that their oligarchy spends way too much effort "cleansing" speech and historical facts....while capitulating to and praising the CCP.
  8. This seems like a clear argument against "(3) further codify a policy that gives the legislative chairperson unilateral authority to decide what items go onto the agenda."
  9. I guess he was too busy performing like the Star he was to make any virtue signaling political statements. 🤷‍♀️ 2016, Beyonce's BLM video 2020, J-Lo protesting the border policies with a PR flag and children in cages
  10. Thats what I'm reading. The mRNA in the vaccine causes YOUR "muscle cell factory" to prodeuce the emblem or spiked protein that the immune system perceives as corona infection. Then YOUR immune system produces antibodies to attack said emblem spiked protein etc....and those antibodies provide protection against that protein if it is introduced again (by an actual infection). I get that part...even without a medical degree I can understand it. Whether or not this unique spiked protein is produced isnt what I find contradictory about the scientists' explanation. It's the argument that the antibodies YOUR immune system creates (after a natural exposure to the real virus) arent likely to provide long term protection. They (this author et al) go into great detail to relay how this vaccine convinces your body to do its natural thing and produce protective antibodies. Then warn us that the protective antibodies our bodies produce aren't lasting. I understand that many people are satisfied that these "Schrodinger antibodies" produced by our immune systems both work and simultaneously don't work because the experts are confident in the R & D that the charitable organizations like Pfizer and Moderna have altruistically conducted. Haven't some people (even expert scientific authorities) also trusted the R & D that was presented by manufacturers of asbestos fire retardant prooducts, Deet, thalidomide, Round Up....and VW diesel emissions?
  11. That's not how the article seemed to read for me. It seems to describe the mRNA as instruction to produce an "emblem" as a representation/facsimile of the coronavirus "emblem"....which our natural immune system will create antibodies to fight the next (real virus) introduction of the same "emblem". But, I'm not a scientist, so there is no point in asking for explanations that I can understand. They say this is good and they say real immunity might not last. We need not understand; ours is not to reason why.
  12. Sort of makes a sane person wonder if it weren't for the "no bail, no jail" laws,...if there might be A) fewer warrants for failure to appear...because if they're detained they can't scoff-law their court appearances B) fewer purchases of firearms (or, drugs, or alcohol....or anything not sold in the commissary) because they can't shop at the gun show if they're detained
  13. Then it follows that we do not know how long someone is protected after the Covid vaccine either. Which would seem like a huge waste of money, time and resources to deploy to the whole country (twice)....for something that creates a false (and therefore dangerous) sense of security. Otherwise, I don’t understand how or why the antibodies that the immune system produces in response to this synthetic mRNA in the vaccine are supposedly superior to the antibodies the very same immune system produces in repose to naturally produced “real” mRNA that results from actual infection.
  14. I also wondered about DUI laws, ever since the first few states began legalizing it several years ago. Currently, the drug tests on the market test whether someone has partaken in the last 2-4 weeks. That fact that they would no longer be impaired if it was days or weeks earlier is moot....because it's historically been illegal with or without actual impairment. I've figured as legalization expands it will create a demand for private enterprise to develop more specific tests to determine "under the influence" closer to real time. Kind of surprising that the same long term option is all that is still available. Until timely (like BAC) technology is developed, it seems that alcohol is still going to be a more legally acceptable drug of choice.
  15. From what I understand, there are very few dispensaries within reasonable driving distance for most upstate rural and low density populations. Also...It's boggled my mind that the FDA can approve pharmaceutical companies to develop trials, but the DEA still lists it as Schedule 1 narcotic ("no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse"). Which is yet another reason why I think so many federal bureaucracies are counter-productive and need to be scaled back (or eliminated). The un-elected "expert authorities" in one alphabet agency determines what is or isn't acceptable medical use....while the un-elected authorities some other alphabet agency make a completely opposite determination. Can't win, and we're funding both circus acts.
  16. In New York state, they are performing over 100, 000 tests every day. As far as I've seen.....their results say that "SARS-CoV-2 RNA" was either present in the specimen or not detected in the specimen. I'm curious why and how this guy's sample was tested for specific strain.
  17. Sounds like the Marxist Sandinistas that Mayor deBlasio (born Warren Wilhelm Jr) spent time in Nicaragua following back in the 1980s. I guess he still doesn't see a problem with that concept.
  18. I won't be surprised if he unveils some compromise (opening indoor dining with some new guideline attached like 25% capacity, max 1 per table, logbook with required ID etc) during one of his Emmy performances. And that he revises history by pretending the new revelations were entirely voluntary and based on "his" esteemed research and dedication to New Yorkers.
  19. I don't know how to get people to isolate any more than they have over the last nine months. And quite honestly, I doubt that expecting complete withdrawal from all "social interaction" is healthy or even possible. Since we are, for the most part, social creatures…it sort of goes against human nature. I think we may have reached (several months ago) the point where the critical mass/bulk of the population found their maximum tolerable “isolation” level. Aside form the outliers who are drawn to a hermit life anyway. At this point, it seems like more closures are only preventing the “dispersal” of those who are insistent on shopping, dining or socializing. People with that compulsion are just piling up at the doors of chain restaurants and big boxes, or inviting friends into their homes. If you want to see fewer people at Applebee's and Chili’s or hosting little gatherings in close quartered homes? Then open up Nick’s and the Moose and every restaurant in the state so they can spread out.
  20. This is hilarious! And all 100% true……🤣 Luckily I’m OK with suspending disbelief for animated stories…especially Holiday Classics. All disbelief. From the fantastical premise that reindeers fly, talk and have organized sports with coaching staff…. to even winged lions and overnight obesity.
  21. Gotta agree to disagree with that. The mount for our snowplow blade fell apart after last week's storm. The bolts and nuts needed to put that back together were essential. And unlike toilet paper that could be bought online...I needed a guy at the Fastenal store to compare and match the right sizes/parts. Playing guess and return then guess again with an online vendor would have a real hardship when we have vital medical appointment we need to get to.
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