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Everything posted by MsKreed

  1. It feels like some politicians have a desperate need to distribute them to justify the billions (trillions?) they paid out to pharma giants (along with all the other ongoing "pandemic" expenses). It could be an embarrassment to have the sensationalized spread levels subside with a vaccine rate lower than their dire predictions....and could make them seem less credible when they push for the next gazillion dollar spending bill.
  2. It's one that a lot of us did vote for! I must say that when we attended an event in 2016 where both spoke ....I wondered if the 2014 ballot may have been backwards. I know Astorino has a bit more experience, and particularly in a "blue" area, but seeing them in person, I think Moss has a much more effective "presence"...
  3. This. Even before Covid, the conniptions I've seen for a few years about flu shots and the debate over removing religious exemptions for other vaccines. The more riled up and emphatic someone is about the "dangers" that unvaccinated pose, the more I recoil from their idiocy. And the pseudo-intellectual argument that others need vaccinations to keep the vulnerable immune-suppressed "safe" is utterly absurd. Any person with suppressed immunities (whether from chemo or disease) needs to be constantly vigilant and take precautions to protect themselves. Period. Millions of different viruses may exist, but researchers have only identified about 5,000 types to date. Of that 5,000, only a tiny handful have vaccines available....and most are relatively harmless to otherwise healthy individuals, but many are potentially deadly to immune-suppressed individuals. It is reckless (nicest word I can think of) to imply that being surrounded by people vaccinated for flu or measles or Covid-19 offers them "safety".
  4. For $600/acre, I really can't say they overpaid.....although I've never quite understood the concept of "land trusts" like this Open Space Institute the DEC bought it from. I'm often a bit skeptical of "middleman" foundations that have NON-profit status and executives with six figure salaries.
  5. The same intangible perception of supply/demand that gives Federal Reserve notes "value" since they ditched the gold standard and started printing by fiat?
  6. Crypto? Or are you just reflecting on the US dollar for the last 40 years?
  7. Agreed...they're working a system that politicians and unions created. Until recently, the contracts allowed state employees to accept OT and then "call in sick" for their regular shift. Essentially changing from one shift to another and taking home 2.5 times their regular rate for the same number of hours on the clock. As noted, they can still do that for scheduled vacation days only (collect regular pay as vacation time, plus time and a half). Nursing and security posts at 24 hr facilities like prisons and psyche centers are sort of like fire fighters and night watchmen.....that need to be staffed, even when that staff has little or no work to do unless/until a SHTF scenario occurs. Lots of sudoku time. As for the pandemic responses...they are only touching the tip of the iceberg. In addition to employees from all kinds of backgrounds were recruited for call center and clerical tasks for DOL to handle the avalanche (20-30x regular case load) of unemployment claims, the test (and now vaccine sites) all over the state each have hundred of people earning OT....plus mileage, lodging and food for the majority on top of OT pay. (as a "reimbursed expense", these do not show up as payroll and are not taxable wages).
  8. In the US???? We have reported 32 million positive cases and 570k deaths....about double the cases and nearly three times the deaths as India (which is the next highest nation at 4 times our population) But we're supposed to be worried that we're under-reporting? That can't be a serious concern.
  9. Very surprised they haven't decided (yet?) to require proof of vaccine or negative PCR test as venues like Madison Square garden, et al are required.
  10. I did not know this. I'd be interested if there is a list of which organs/tissues are precluded by which conditions, or unilaterally ineligible. Id think bone marrow or liver might carry different transmission/complication risks than cornea possibly. I had thought it was on my license....but it's not there. It's often occurred to me that donating for study might potentially have a broader impact on more people anyway. Transplanting everything could save half a dozen people directly, while the same organs helping discover a cure for XYZ could affect many generations to come.
  11. We found a bunch of good ones from this same guy awhile back..... Garren Lazar He has an entire series of Peanuts music video parodies. Everything from Journey to Heart to AC/DC Back in Black. He's a genius.
  12. Now, that is the kind of information Zucker should have clearly cited in his statement. The way he broadly noted "adverse events" while rolling into a list of symptoms that seem to be commonly occurring with all the vaccines was unnecessarily vague.
  13. I'm a little confused that they're singling out the J&J product. If there's more to it than the "extremely rare" symptoms mentioned in that statement, I think the public deserves details. Health officials acknowledged when the first (2-dose)vaccines were granted emergency authorization that they expected adverse effects like fatigue, headache and muscle to be quite common (anywhere from 30 to 60% of recipients). And from the number of healthcare workers we've seen leaving work and calling in due to COVID vaccine reactions (particularly after second dose), that prediction has proven quite accurate. From December: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/what-we-know-about-the-side-effects-of-pfizers-covid-19-vaccine
  14. <iframe width="962" height="541" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yXtumnTN6zg" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  15. This part here made me laugh....considering the medical dispensary licenses were some outrageously high shake down of like $50k up front, don't we think the fees might be prohibitive for many of those applicants???
  16. I was addressing Zapp’s question of being turned down for a job for having an Rx for medical cannabis. If your example is for a pre-employment drug test, then having an Rx for Xanax shouldn’t be an exclusion for hiring….nor “should” a marijuana prescription. Nor should having any particular Rx exclude someone from driving or having a firearm. The being called in for drug tests after employment … We need better technology all around. In the above case of legally prescribed Xanax, the purpose of a drug test (either random or a non-random test for cause after some incident) should be to determine if someone is under the influence, fit for duty, etc… If you are involved in a workplace accident while under the influence of [insert drug of choice; cannabis, alcohol, heroine, oxycodone], that’s its own legal exclusion….grounds for termination and not covered by workers comp, etc. So if a test may show Xanax (or any drug; legal or not) “in your system” for days after the effects are gone, then testing is pointless for anything other than purely punitive reasons. I know there are policies abound that are based on just that, but they really don’t follow “science”. That’s why there needs to be a standardized testing measure that will objectively distinguish between presence in the body and impairment/effects…of any drug.
  17. I don't think so....and would fight any employer asking protected medical questions. They have no more right to as if an applicant or employee has a cannabis Rx than Xanax or Benadryl. I'm also of the belief that neither the DMV nor Pistol Permit Clerk should be allowed access to your medical records either. Whether its marijuana or any other drug that can affect performance, acuity, etc.... being prescribed does not mean someone is rendered incapable of performing any such tasks ever.
  18. It seems like there is precedent that medicinal use of legally prescribed medication can still be prohibited while on the job (or behind the wheel). Just because your doctor prescribed codeine, benadryl or Xanax (or any number of legal drugs) doesn't meant it's OK to drive a school bus (or any vehicle), operate a jack hammer or run a cash register with your brain in a fuddle from it.
  19. Ramona.....one of my favorites. Perhaps my first "page turner" experience. Thank You Beverly. RiP
  20. Seems to me like the “balance” I’ve seen over and over is that any suggestion of The Covids being anything less than an existential threat to the human race has been equated to “the whole pandemic a complete hoax”. I think most skeptics believe that this coronavirus is no more of a hoax than N1H1, Ebola, Spanish Flu, Hong Kong Flu, seasonal flu, HPV or Small Pox. But its threat level has been hyped as if it surpasses all of those diseases combined. It doesn’t. There is an excellent book titled “Innumeracy” that is a fascination exploration of how easily influenced we are when it comes to risks, rewards, and threats we encounter… because most people are illiterate in the concept of probability and large numbers. It sort of explains how so many people can have a distorted understanding of the scope and prevalence of various events and situations. I think the “engineers” behind the Social Experiment have a very clear grasp of worldwide “innumeracy” and how to use it to their advantage. It just seems incredibly gullible to me for anyone to think the giants of persuasion are using that power for relatively small potatoes like manipulating shopping habits on an individual level…. But can’t fathom targeting the same strategies toward large scale profits like landing trillion dollar government contracts across the globe. Why would we expect that anyone would settle for petty shop-lifting at the Dollar General if they have the means to pull off an Antwerp Diamond heist?
  21. Its not a free product, it's a government funded service. Like covid tests and vaccines. It's paranoia to think anyone could reap a profit from the "unprecedented crisis" or providing altruistic public education and vital community services. ..to help us adjust to the new normal. I used to belive in wild conspiracies like this too.....but it's been explained to me by friends and fact checkers that it's crazy to think there is some vague omnipotent "they" out there that would have any incentive to advance false or overhyped narratives.
  22. Also...the DEA arbitrarily setting narcotics schedules for regulatory rules that hold the force "law" has always been a contentious point for me. First...because it's lazy and political for elected lawmakers to assign the task of making laws to appointed career bureaucrats. And second, the other bureaucracy (FDA) has authorized it for medical purposes.....so it has not fit the DEA schedule 1 "no medical purpose" definition for a few years by that measure.
  23. The legality of it us a gray line. Just because NYS says it's legal the federal govt. still says it is illegal Good point... But I'm thinking if NYS is passing legislation to codify not enforcing the federal regulatory rule....we wouldn't expect them to be looking for probable cause to search for a motorist possesing marijuana. If someone is trying to pose the argument that the smell of mj somehow equals "probable" possession of other drugs or contraband...I have to disagree. The only explanation would be looking for excuses to wiggle around the Fourth.
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