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You Are So Good To Me!

Linda Roorda


Oh, the countless blessings of God!  He is so good to all of us in so many ways!  And my heart sings in praise and thanksgiving for all that He has done in my life!

Recently, I flew out to visit my daughter and her family. And I gotta tell you, they were so good to me!  I don’t like flying, but the flight from ELM to DET left way more than a bit to be desired.  Taking generic Dramamine, I learned the hard way it is not as effective as the real deal. So, gripping that little white bag kindly provided by the airline, and white-knuckling the armrest through dramatic turbulence, I was more than glad to deplane, yet not delighted to get on yet another plane from DET to MSP.  Thankfully, the motion sickness was not as severe on that leg of the journey, but I was so very happy to land!!

With the flight worsening my minor head cold to include bronchitis, I was not the energetic Grammy they expected.  Despite the downside, and not being able to visit the zoo and a Native American history center Emily planned, we did stroll through St. Cloud University’s arts and craft vendor displays, watched their oldest son swim in his first competition, saw their middle son go fly a kite and made an origami crane as he told me how to fold it, drew and colored a blooming plant with their youngest son, viewed the exhibits at a local county museum, and played numerous games of checkers, magnetic chess, RackO, and Sequence when I needed the rest.

I also greatly appreciated the thought my daughter gave to movie selections – Bambi, Those Calloways, and The Sound of Music!  In the summer of ’65, my dad had taken me and my sister to the Clifton Theater two blocks from home in Jersey to see the double feature - Bambi and Those Calloways.  Remembering only the vicious wolverine and square dance scenes from Those Calloways, I’d always wanted to see the movie again. Looking forward to April 23, 1978 when it was featured on NBC’s Sunday night Disney theater… it was with mixed emotions that I could not watch it… because we went to the hospital for Jennifer to be born early the next morning!  So, thank you again, Emily, for choosing that movie for your Mom!  And then she chose her and my favorite, The Sound of Music, which my dad also took me and my sister to see in Clifton in the latter 1960s.

After returning home, my son and his wife and children came to visit.  Going to Ithaca’s Science Center, it was a pleasure to watch the kids enjoy all the hands-on experiences!  Even Grammy put her fear aside and petted the pink gecko held by a staff member.  Playing games at home, or walking the gardens with me, brought shared blessings of family time.

It seems that, among things we might consider minor in the overall scheme of life, are so many special blessings! Yet, we often go on our way without looking closer and being so very thankful for the “little” silver linings… reminding me of how much God loves us in all those “little” things we take for granted.

From the moment we awaken until our day draws to a close, we are loved and cared for by an awesome God!  Each breath we take is His gift.  Each beautiful sunrise and setting sunset shines forth glorious rays upon His creation in different hues.  The gift of love, the touch of a hand in comfort and peace, in joy and sorrow, the moments of special fun that we savor… these are all precious gifts from our God. 

For we were created that we would have a relationship with the Lord of our life.  God created us with a purpose… to bring glory and honor back to Him in all that we do.  For all we are, and all we will be, have come from His hand.  And He showers His love upon us as He provides for our every need, blessing us richly if we but open our eyes to see and understand.  Oh God, You are so good to me! 

You are so good to me!

Linda A. Roorda 

Oh God, You are so good to me!

You loved me ere I came to be

I thank you for the life that You gave

That I may live covered by mercy.


I praise You for the gifts You’ve given

The talents hidden and openly used

From blessings I see to~ those hid from view

You care for me beyond ways to count.


I thank You for each bright sunrise

As golden rays stream down upon earth

And birds awaken with their songs of praise

While we yawn and stretch to start a new day.


Be with me Lord, my prayer for this day

May all the words and thoughts of my heart

Bring honor to You, my strength and my shield

As I align my steps on Your path.


Help me to keep my tongue in check

When frustrations mount throughout my day

May I with patience attend to my tasks

And seek Your will in all that I do.

Prayers for my friends and family dear

To keep and protect each one on their way

And may they know Your love that surrounds

Like a warm hug will protect and guide.


And when temptations sneak in unannounced

Open my eyes Lord, your wisdom to see

May I discern the right from the wrong

To keep my feet on Your righteous path.


With grateful thanks I now close my day

You covered my needs in blessings poured out

With a joyful heart for Your care of me

Rejoicing in peace, contented am I.



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