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Something I've Learned...

Linda Roorda


With school either having started for some, or about to start for others, I pondered the realization that there’s so much I thought I knew when younger, but really didn’t… for education isn’t only that which is gained in a classroom. Over the years, I’ve learned I can’t turn the clock back to undo or redo what’s been done.  Life doesn’t have a rewind button for our editing... so we inevitably move forward in a relentless flow of time. 

And in that flow, learning becomes an emotional and spiritual educational process as disappointments and suffering soften our hearts amidst the joys.  This is how we mature and become wiser.  In the process, we learn that we may not get that second chance. Make amends now… apologize, forgive and move forward.  Love one another… and let the other know it.  I have searched for and regained friends from years ago… friends I’d lost when moving away, friends lost when my childish words took their toll, and to whom I’ve given heart-felt apologies.  I cannot undo, but I can atone for and correct my wrongs.

Walk away from sin… don’t let it overtake you with its tempting appeal.  The great Ten Commandments really do have something to say to us today.  Stop blaming someone else.  Don’t condone or excuse the habit of lying, concealing your wrongs to protect yourself.  Even if no one else is the wiser, God knows.  Own it, confess it, and make amends.  Others do take notice of what we do… do it well, for a good name is much to be treasured.  Love, listen, take advice gladly, and learn… you won’t go wrong.  “Be very careful, then, how you live… making the most of every opportunity…”  (Ephesians 4:15-16)

As we look back, we often wish we knew then what we know now.  Wouldn’t such knowledge have saved us a whole basket of trouble?!  But, did we hear, did we listen, did we truly heed the advice given as we grew up?  I’m afraid I didn’t always do so.  I thought I “knew it all” in my teens.  It took time as life traversed a variety of circumstances unique to my needs to gain understanding and knowledge with wisdom from God.  And from the realization of my own errant ways and words, I apologized and made amends… because the Lord has done so much more for me.

For the loving Father that He is, God took the time to teach me all through the years.  Because I was often not listening to wiser words in my youth, I now treasure the wisdom of others as I sit at their feet to learn, and recall fragmented words of wisdom expressed years ago.

Blessed with Godly wisdom, Solomon wrote in Proverbs 2:1-6: “My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.  For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”  And vs. 9 adds, “Then you will understand what is right and just and fair – every good path.”  Oh, how true!

If only… that age-old phrase we all quote... if only I knew then what I know now.  So, let me take what the Lord has taught me through the difficult struggles to reach a satisfied contentment… through tears of deep sorrow to tears of great joy with laughter’s healing touch.  And may we use the blessings He’s bestowed upon our hearts to reach out in love with something we’ve learned… 

Something I’ve Learned

Linda A. Roorda


Something I’ve learned since I was young…

If I knew then what I do know now

I’d have been spared life’s toughest lessons.

But, then again, how else would I learn?


Something I’ve learned came slowly with time…

For I wanted life to move fast forward

And in wanting more, I just needed less

As contentment dwells in life’s simplest gifts.


Something I’ve learned by looking backward…

That in facing life I thought I knew all,

But looking forward from slow motion days

Impatience revealed an unsettled heart.


Something I’ve learned wishing I’d discerned…

By heeding then the sage’s wisdom

Who’d lived and seen what I could not fathom

For experience marks the role of teacher.


Something I’ve learned is not easy to say…

That which I rue when youth went its way

As lessons learned brought maturity’s wealth

With understanding through wisdom’s trained eye.


Something I’ve learned by climbing the hill…

Conquering hurdles that hindered my path,

For stones that seemed like unmoving boulders,

Were mere stumbling blocks to peace found in You.


Something I’ve learned I treasure now more…

My faith in You, Lord, once taken for granted

Its value gained from bumps in the road

Which led me to where I stand on Your Word.


Something I’ve learned we all have to face…

Sorrow and loss have taught to accept

That which was healed as my heart grew wise

For only from pain can compassion speak.


Something I’ve learned about all my stuff…

I can’t take it there on the day that I leave

Much better by far to share with you now

Showing my love in tangible ways.


Something I’ve learned that when the door shuts…

Reasons there are for not looking back.

Express regret for what’s done is done

Then welcome the door He flings open wide.


Something I’ve learned with You at my side…

To share the bounty of blessings divine

To gently speak with a tender voice

And to hear with love from a generous heart.


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