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Once There Was A Time...

Linda Roorda


Anniversaries…I like to think of them as brackets that hold our special memories marking the ever-flowing years.  October 26th is our wedding anniversary, and goodness, but how the years have flown!  There’s a lot of life lived within those years, a lot of water under that bridge… years that took a young bride and a little older and wiser groom through many stages of growth… years that saw carefree and happy days, but also years which saw many losses and changes that left their marks.  Truth is, some days were harder than we ever could have imagined possible when we first became a team and dreamed of living together happily ever after. 

For me and Ed it has been learning to listen to each other (sometimes to what isn’t being verbalized), to make time to work out hard life issues, to accept each other, faults and all, to apologize and forgive, and to choose to love and remain committed to the vows we took on our wedding day. 

Whether we faced the happy days of easy love, the normal day-to-day mundane aspects of life, the difficult challenges with Ed no longer being able to farm with his dad as he lost the last vestiges of vision, the acceptance of a new way of life while he spent six months learning new skills at The Carroll Center for the Blind in Newton, MA, the joy and excitement our children brought into our lives by just being who they are, love for the spouses they married and the Grandchildren they blessed us with, staring at unbelievable sorrow and pain when our oldest daughter unexpectedly passed away at age 25, or the changes which multiple difficult health issues and disabilities have brought us, there is One who has walked beside us every step of the way…

In fact, like the poem, “Footsteps In The Sand,” I know the Lord has carried us during those times when we were utterly overwhelmed by life.  And, praise God, we have overcome what life has tossed our way, and our bonds have become stronger than when we first began our married journey 47 years ago! 

Once There Was A Time

Linda A. Roorda 

Once there was a time

I gazed into your eyes serene

And there beheld the depths of your soul

With all the love entwined in your heart…

I miss the twinkle and the wink

I miss the many tones of your gaze

For your eyes spoke tender volumes

Of adoration and undying love.


Once there was a time

Of holding hands on carefree walks

Cherishing how you protected and led

And lifted me gently over the fence…

You shared your music, humor and wisdom

As we walked and talked, laughed and pondered

Sweet dreams and plans for our life ahead

O’er paths unknown but bright with love.


Once there was a time

I breathed in deep the ambience

Of fresh-baled hay and farming life

And snuggled close, safe in your arms…

I loved it best to work with you

A shadow beside your every move

Watching with pride my farmer’s hands

Caring for cattle and crops and fields.


Once there was a time

Three precious babes arrived

To bring us joy and share our love

As we watched them grow and learn at our side…

Then changes came, sudden and unbidden

For life doesn’t always go as we plan

You lost your vision, you lost your dream,

We lost ourselves to a new way of life.


Once there was a time

Of joyous blessings and bittersweet days

When dreams took root and on wings did fly

From a nest that emptied all too soon…

Then just as surely as rejoicing came

The agony of death descended dark

Yet hidden deep within the walls

Lay healing and peace only God could give.


Once there was a time

We watched each other struggle

Overwhelmed by cares and concerns of life

From darkened doors to windows of light…

For sometimes wisdom can best be learned

By facing trials of hardship and pain

In Faith, Hope and Love we persevere

As we walk a path covered by prayer.


Once there was a time

When life seemed just an empty slate

Waiting to be filled and made complete

O’er paths now trod and bright with love…

Yet in gazing back upon our days

Never did we walk alone

For gently guiding and lighting our way

Were the grace-filled loving hands of our Lord




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