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@MsKreed I've taken care of the blocked IPs and you should have an easier time now. 

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1 hour ago, Chris said:

@MsKreed I've taken care of the blocked IPs and you should have an easier time now. 

It’s working now.....thanks!!

There are only a few other things I need to turn the VPN off to access.  Nothing that I access as often as TTL.  


Stuff that isn’t daily. Maybe every month or two. (The most frequent is wireless scanning or printing to my own device. LOL) I usually try once before I remember I need to temporarily disable the VPN.  Then may forget to turn it back on for a day or so.  

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There was a brief outrage this evening as the result of an ID10T error code.

I was working on another website which required the php to be upgraded. The easiest way was to do so across the entire hosting account. It worked, but this sites software didn’t like it. So I had to ease back to a newer, but not the newest, version available.

Should be good to go now.

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a brief outrage ?

I thought I misread that....but you may have meant to spell it like that. It still works. LOL 

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25 minutes ago, MsKreed said:

a brief outrage ?

I thought I misread that....but you may have meant to spell it like that. It still works. LOL 

No, apparently my phone thinks it knows what I mean to say better than I do.

But while it does work, there wasn’t as much of an outrage as you may expect. It was more of a defeated, “Oh FFS…” followed by some surprise that I fixed it on the first attempt.

Im still making a lot of this up as I go along, folks.

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