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Super Bowl 59 Mega Thread

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Screenshot 2025-02-02 at 10.24.43 AM.png

Aka "The Super Bowl nobody wanted."

Here's the one place for all things Super Bowl related. The teams, the ads, the halftime show... have at it.

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I went to Penn State...So I follow college football..and Penn State players that are in the pros..I am watching Saquan Barkley and don't really care who wins.. It would be nice after all these years for him to finally win a Super Bowl.  He has enough talent, just not sure about the rest of the Philly team.

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4 hours ago, Beekeeper said:

I am watching Saquan Barkley

He’s a hell of a player and it’d be nice to see him get a ring. Otherwise, I don’t care for either teams and have no skin in jt.

That said, I just want to see KC lose.

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I’m in a Super Bowl pool this year, no idea how it works but I know my sisters have won the last two years.  Now that I’m in it we’ll see if they win this year lol

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Just a few minutes into the 1st and the zebras are starting their shit already. Pass interference my eye.

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Homy crap, less than 2 minutes into the half and  Mahomes just spent more time putting his helmet on than he did on the field!

I have never enjoyed watching someone having a bad game so much in all my life.

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Fortunately it’s the left 

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Im not a Philly fan, but damn they dominated that entire game.

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Overall aside from rooting against the Chiefs, it was kind of a bland event. The ads sucked for the most part, thought there were a couple that got a laugh out of me. Someone mentioned on the radio it looked as though someone was REALLY trying to seel us on AI. 

It felt to me like the game went later than usual, but that could have been because I was tired. 

The Chiefs played like absolute crap and a lot of people must have been wondering how on Earth they got there in the first place. 

I'm hoping for a compilation of Mahomes getting sacked. That was fun to watch.

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I completely missed Jay and Silent Bob in the Dunkin Ad!

Screenshot 2025-02-10 at 9.41.08 AM.png

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I have never enjoyed hate watching a team more than last night. Good god that was cathartic

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